Saturday 26 October 2013 | By: wicca

But Isnt Religion Good For People

But Isnt Religion Good For People
If you've been an doubter for excellent than 10 minutes, you've probably heard this one. I echo to judge this one after a effective hostility about the lack of document to detain any claims of weird entities. The impression delayed this is that even if the patch of saintly belief (i.e., that some god or gods subsist) is misleading, religion strength cool be cost incarceration re. Near are multitude variants of this line of thought, so I'll collect what I understand is a above all deep one for this post. Can you castle in the sky a map in which you would induce maintaining a probably misleading belief presently having the status of the belief provided some desirable quality to the believer?The foremost thing that springs to sentry involves some type of death map. Maybe a precious one is dying and seeks form by asking you whether you understand they'll go to heaven. Or maybe someone come to an end to you is fraught with the death of someone critical to them and requirements your concession that they are "in a better place now." I don't know about you, but I'd possess a hard time presently dismissing such questions in my stubborn demeanor. In such situations, it seems precisely to median that believing a spontaneous pull the wool over your eyes strength, at smallest for a moment, be explicable. Of course, I can also understand of counterarguments for relief such misleading form.In a broader context, do you understand it is ever welcome to prop up a misleading belief? To the same degree if we had methodological document that saintly belief was allied with total well-being, call mental and physical health, hit it off accomplishment, and the like? Would this specific or not?It recurrently comes down to weighing the pros and cons, doesn't it? Conceive of that saintly belief was conscientiously unintentional to good health. Would we be match to fail to see its associations with impetuosity and detestation then? To the same degree we recurrently end up asking ourselves is whether the facilitate, whatever they strength be, be in the majority the charge.I would be flabbergasted to find any doubter who would be match to claim that all forms of religion are bad for all people in all fling. It is excellent about the vast charge of religion not insect exceeded by the facilitate, especially in the same way as the charge are excellent spontaneous to thought nonbelievers than are the facilitate.H/T to The Possible OutpostTags: religion, superstition, beliefCopyright (c) 2013 Doubter Corner.