Saturday 28 September 2013 | By: wicca

Adding Of A New Site Iero Isichastirio Pantokratoros

Adding Of A New Site Iero Isichastirio Pantokratoros
I recently posted Why is that the smile of Elder Joseph is from eternity?

on at home and on this especially site is hosted "A Acceptance of Tribute Opposed to Ecumenism"

which was translated from the Greek at home.


I am privileged that offer are calm different today that encounter so passionately in opposition to the diluting of the Angelic In the right position Catholic Clerical and Her Tribute and let know the ill possessions of this fair insidious scourge of Ecumenism which seeks to rob and denature the Clerical of Her absolute make sure in this delicate "politically reasonable" world.

Ecumenism is a moment ago the serious disc of biased strictness paving the way for the look of a one world model with one world religion. Fashion no get the wrong impression, different if not all the contrary religions may and bestow be found under this sunshade of the One Mud Religion, but none bestow be compelling to make higher claims of truth such as the lone truth of the One Mud Religion bestow be that they, religions, are all unvaryingly true and this leveling of them all to this effect bestow be the hallmark and trait of the New Manner which is really not new but very old. The lone lead self, that today, the tackle is in place to actually be compelling to be in the way compliance and the homogenization of all peoples.

One's religion bestow be tolerated: as have a yen as it stays in its place and does not ability higher than "one's own sense", meaning, it, one's religion, cannot confront what laws bestow be in place that crack sense of right and wrong and truth and deduce to cuddle to mistrust those laws as disrespectful and false and based merely on humanistic, activist principles. Whatsoever more than "one's own sense" bestow be seen as intolerant and despicable and junior to abrupt reprisal.

I suppress no illusions about the success of my prospect with reference to Ecumensim and its kinfolk. It was told to us by the Member of the aristocracy Himself that it would be so as the days build up towards the consummation of the Age. My lone prayer is that different would let know the drawing for what it is and that this enormously is part of the "mystery of dishonesty(or permit)"(Glint Thessalonians 2:7) with which we process until our Divine Member of the aristocracy return.

I bestow add this site on my sidebar under, "In the right position Sites of Idea".