Wednesday 24 July 2013 | By: wicca

A Rare Iconographic Depiction Of Jesus In Kosovo

A Rare Iconographic Depiction Of Jesus In Kosovo
If it is not single, it is one of the rarer depictions of Jesus. A fresco in one of the utmost high-pitched monasteries in Kosovo depicts Jesus holding a sword. The fresco is in the katholikon of the Hallowed Monastery of the Ascension of Christ (Visoki Decani) in Kosovo and dates back to the 14th century. It is stylish that Christ is depicted holding a excellent sword.

A priest who lives in the characteristic told that the sword Christ is holding in the fresco is not one of war, but it is spiritual. The dedication on the gone side of the fresco, because looking at it, indicates that it is a spiritual sword that "cuts" sin from man. The Lady had made-up, "Do not organization that I display come to bring quietness to the earth. I did not come to bring quietness, but a sword" (Matt. 10:34).

The Monastery was built by the Serbian Emperor Stefan of Decani involving the time denote of 1327 to 1335, and was keen to the Ascension of the Lady. The wholesome frescos, the stone icon fur of the 14th century, the throne of the abbot, and the casket of Emperor Stefan, are the provoke of excessive join to party from on all sides of the world. The Monastery was chosen a Soil Pedigree Field by UNESCO and is lock by the Serbian county.

Source: Translated by John Sanidopoulos