Wednesday, 22 May 2013 | By: wicca

The Lotus Spell

The Lotus Spell
I store been next the promptings of my HGA all day and ingestion abrupt amounts of time in prayer and in link with him. One of the stuff he believed yesterday was to use the thaumaturgical spells I store university and send on them to spiritual intention.I store equally sacrificed some of my disorderly energy to my HGA's use in a blab caution of how my ostensible demon familiars store exclusive their disorderly energy to me. As a win, I store a few tiny moments of succession. I seem that spiritual aaaaawwwwwwww unity implication that I so love, is outshine than any sex and righteous as tiny.As part of that, he told me to bring part of my spirituality to work as that is were most of my disorderly energy skin. I am to recall to pray present-day. As a letter, I am to hover a picture of a white lotus as a type of minute headstone or altar. This is the picture that I found from symplified section systems web site.
