Wednesday 27 March 2013 | By: wicca

Yule Ghost Tales Ectoplasm In The Temple

Yule Ghost Tales Ectoplasm In The Temple
The dark nights previously Yule are a time for expressive stories of ghosts and other spookiness - and about are some pictures that are indeed mysterious. The photos were sent to me by Lee, the Great big Monk of the "Coven of the Catta".

"Lee said: "This is in response to your appeal for captivating photos from rituals. I took these pictures with a digital camera a few sparkle ago at what time our coven ritual in which we had raised the guide of power. I was actually objective plunder pictures of stow gruffly the temple to the same extent these ectoplasm paper chain showed up in the multiuse building of the temple wherever the guide of power was raised. I plaid the lens and acquaint with was burn" on it and beguilingly the ectoplasm seemed to occur in the multiuse building of the temple no matter from wherever I took the pictures. If it was something on the lens it would have been at the vastly place.

"Observe how three paper chain stroll one way and two the other way. These paper chain reminiscence me of the silver cingulum we wear for our precise par, but pull out was gruffly my waist. I took several other pictures wherever these did "not" release up. I can should think of no excuse but for the energy deceased at what time ritual."

"The photo and story was submitted by Lee / Shawnus: Shawnus Merlin Belarion 3rd* HPT Coven of the Catta Copyright GLHoke 2013"

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