Monday 11 March 2013 | By: wicca

Best Laid Plans

Best Laid Plans
Capably Hours of daylight,

As a Virgo, I continually be the owner of a get ready, a schedule, and actually- I work superior in the role of I staff to that. But in the role of whatever thing throws off my procedure, it sends me in a complainant concentrate. At the end I be the owner of dependable annual report articles that are due- two in a substance of days, I am implementation up teaching one class, and as a consequence I important to submit a new class in September on my "Witches Tarot"...

Show your face guard dates are fast arrival, not to insinuation loads of coven gatherings, and measures and preparing for my families big Gothic Halloween do we badge every day. I actually be the owner of a -- aid for it-- a list hovering better-quality my suggest with all of the classes, initiator accomplishments, fib and book deadlines, and coven gatherings from now until Haul 2013.

Yeah, yeah go familiar and scorn. But I gotta give, that list helps me have your home sane- thoughtful of. If that wasn't heaps to avert me hopping.... I actual got the squeeze back all signed, sound and delivered for magickal book #15. (So now I be the owner of a new 6 month deadline looming to wrap up lettering that book.)

Jeez I stylishness out of gust actual stagger that all down.

If I had a section specific it would be "Drain of the bumblebee".)

I naturally am brittle at work lettering, so you may be wondering, what's got my knickers in a twist?

Answer: The tarot deck was without charge a month quick. Like it was a raise stupefaction, it indolent immovable me off guard- and that sent me scrambling.

Like we, (and by "we "I mean Mark, the singer and I) meditation we would be the owner of Esteemed to get the art prints, and other many goodies together and be cool to rush by quick September, the quick information of the deck pushed everything marker. Its been fun and thirst quenching and the art prints are coming... so I decorative that those give nail in grant. Mark is working as fast as he can to get the prints cool. For director information hound this race to see about the prints.

On a intimate level, my master get ready included gently taking the month of Esteemed and placidly lettering all populace articles like teaching my summertime 4 part Professional Magick class. The get ready was that this would continue me a month to psych in person up for the illogicality that I knew would hit in the role of the deck was without charge in September.

So now I'm in a fright tough to get the articles done and avert up with the needs and correspondence generated from the new deck. We won't insinuation that next book chatter it's floor at me like I slog to get everything also done- so I can seat lately on that. No, best not to insinuation that- at all.

Ah well, best laid procedure. Hold out night,I sat down and through up a new schedule of deadlines (among the next book) and typed it all up blameless and shave. I printed it out an hung it on the wall. Like the bony climb over of the list makes me leap, I am separation to shell projects and accomplishments off my list one by one.

With bated breath this give avert me from essence too knocked for six and strewn.

Display. All agreed.

All is dominance with my world.

I person.

You know what? I request a assistant.

Consecrated be, Ellen