Monday 2 July 2012 | By: wicca


Im soo tired of people saying that my way of practicing is the way of the devil. If someone took the time to research Wicca/Paganism they would not have such a ignorant attituted toward my religion choice. I have an aunt that is christian. I dont talk bad about her beliefs. Ok I used to when her and would discuss religion. She is soo scared and ignorate to the whole wicca/paganism thing that she wont even let her daughter inlaw watch practical magick. COME ITS JUST A MOVIE! I lent it to her and she liked it and thought it was intresting when she lived in philly. So that is when I came out to her. I figured it was a good time. She was ok with it. Then when she moved to florida she had a total diff attitude towards it.

I have a friend who wears penticales around her and stuff and she dont say nothing about her just me. I found out about it thru my cousins g/f. Jeez she would have a heart attack if she came into my bedroom. That is where i keep all my books and stuff.

Just had to vent.
