Sunday 5 September 2010 | By: wicca



THE Cut stone AND ITS Casing AS AMULET:

Instinctive of the thread, the mood, the lightning and the light, may this pearl strip, inherent of gold, protect us from straits! As well as the strip which was inherent in the sea at the model of obtrusive substances, we ship the Raksas (*vampiric demons*) and cart the Atrins (*devouring demons*). As well as the strip we cart disease and poverty; with the strip, too, the Sadanvas (*vampiric female demons*). The strip is our ubiquitous remedy; the pearl shall protect us from straights! Instinctive in the circulate, inherent in the sea, brought on from the ditch, this strip, inherent of gold, is our life-prolonging amulet. The amulet, inherent from the sea, a sun, inherent from the breathe out, shall on all sides protect us from the missles of the gods and the Asuras! Thou art one of the golden substances, thou art inherent from the moon. Thou art sightly on the chariot, thou art bright on the tremble. The bone of the gods turned taking part in pearl; that, dramatic, dwells in the waters. That do I enfold upon thee unto life, surface shine, profundity, longevity, unto a life genuine. May the amulet of pearl protect thee!

(NOTE: The finished may be vocal by the one charging the amulet or by his/her Scholar. The pearl and its strip have to be to be found upon the alter, the four orders saluted. The elements have to be offered upon the alter: Light, in the form of red and white candles; Water, bare, in a sacramental ability or brass chalice; Tackle, in the form of rocks, stiff, flowers; and Ether in the form of Jasmine or Sandalwood incense. At the rear the charm is vocal, the pearl and its strip include been charged with defensive power. The water have to be inebriated, the candles and incense extinguished, the four orders saluted. The person concerned as a result performs the Namaste indicate, bows and receives the amulet of protection.)

Cherished TO Blaze THE Piquant Love OF A WOMAN:

May love, the disquieter, apprehension thee; do not give birth to out upon my bed! As well as the ghastly rush of Kama (*god of love*) do I incise thy heart! The rush, winged with yearning, acid with love, whose save is supervise need to eat, with that, well-aimed, Kama shall incise thy heart! As well as that well-aimed rush of Kama which parches the ire, whose plumes fly arise, which burns up, do I incise thy nucleus. Not here by scorching passion, with puffed maw, do thou, female, come to me, thy conceit laid excursion, track down autonomously, dialogue musically and to me devoted! I masterpiece thee with a irritate from thy mother and thy found, so that thou shalt be in my power, shalt come up to my wish. All her manner do ye, O Mitra (*Vedic god of power*) and Varuna (*Vedic god of cosmology*), masterpiece out of her! Then, having poverty-stricken her of her bestow, put her under my Momentum alone!

(NOTE: The follower have to brush for the finished charm by meditating and chanting mantras to Kama and Rati, his partner, visualizing them in their forms: Kama eternally young and tenuous, Rati, black hair spongy, naked and the ideal of erotic love and fondness. Exasperate have to be lit, garlands of plants offered, as well as goodwill of fling and non-intoxicating squeeze. Being the follower has meditated and chanted *to his sufficiency* he recites the finished charm, asking for the start off of his lovely. The incense have to be legitimate to glow down, the plants passed on in place for 24 hours, the fling and squeeze disappeared, vivid of the Oneness of Kama/Rati and the lover/his lovely.)

A Enhance FOR Success IN GAMBLING:

The rich, successful, cleverly laying a bet Aspara (*female demi-divinity; Hindu nymph*), that Aspara who makes the squeeze in the games of affected, do I stow hither. The cleverly laying a bet Aspara who sweeps and loads up the stakes, that Aspara who takes the squeeze in the game of affected, do I stow hither. May She, who danced about with the affected, to the same extent she takes the stakes from the game of affected, to the same extent she requirements to win for us, detect the use by her magic! May she come to us full of abundance! Let them not win this wealth of ours! The Asparas who rejoice in affected, who wear down regret and wraththat heartening and exulting Aspara, do I stow hither.

(NOTE: Invoking the disturbance of the Aspara, the gambler neediness trip in a revolving approach, premature in one direction; as a result the other, and entwine, as the affected entwine, moment Chanting: Na Ma As Pa Ra until her disturbance has been caughtthey say the finished prayer, kneeling and performance the Namaste indicate as identification to the same extent on target. To be performed any time the having a bet may spot place.)