Saturday 11 September 2010 | By: wicca

It Yule The Winter Solstice Eve Yule Lore Rituals And A Tarot Spread That Starts Tonight


Yule is notable EWE-elle. It is likewise civic as Solstice Night or Yule-tide. It is renowned on the recording night of the year, December 21. According to Celtic myth, the revival of the Oak Ruler comes on Yule. The Holly Ruler is the ruler of the abating year, presiding to play with the world from Midsummer to Yule, as the nights get longer and the days begin to abbreviate. He represents death and tightness. As well as, on the day of the Frosty Solstice, the Oak Ruler rises up to recuperate his throne from the Holly Ruler, and incentive regulation as soon as supercilious from Yule to Litha.

In some Wiccan traditions, the Oak Ruler and the Holly Ruler are seen as twin aspects of the Horned God. Each of these fold aspects cipher for partially the year, battles for the fit of the Divine being, and with retires to regard his wounds for the bordering six months, until it is time for him to regulation as soon as supercilious.

Commonly, these two entities are portrayed in on the ball ways - the Holly Ruler customarily appears as a woodsy conscript of Santa Claus. He dresses in red, wears a sprig of holly in his complex hair, and is sometimes depicted overcast a peal of eight stags. The Oak Ruler is portrayed as a prosperity god, and fitfully appears as the Warm Man or other lord of the forest.

Essentially, in view of the fact that these two beings do fight all year long, they are two essential parts of a whole. No matter what idiosyncratic enemies, exclusive of one, the other would no longer surface.

Yule, or Frosty Solstice, likewise represents the revival of light. Done this recording night of the year, the Divine being gives environmental to the Saintly Schoolgirl of Faithfulness. His is the betoken of summer and the return of the sun.

In quick possible civilization, as the days grew colder and the nights grew longer and darker, candles and fires were lit to bait back the sun. At this "time of tightness", in view of the fact that the Hangout was sound asleep, several did not plunk. Frosty was a time of death and stagnation. Covering was drafty, stain was standard and food was exterior. The night of the sun's "revival" was renowned with a long way away joy. From this day transmit, the days would become longer. Tedious whilst the stimulating and tightness calm prevailed, hallucination was transformed and the intimate began to fix your eyes on transmit to the conviviality of summer.

Yule was not renowned in quick Celtic traditions. It was brought to Britain by the invading Saxons who viewed Yule as the "gyrating time". Yule equitably ability "trail" in Old Norse. Such as the symbolism of the trail was so major to this Sabbat, it became a day sacred to Goddesses of the rotating trail. Wreaths were a grassroots plot of the unrestricted carry on...the Joystick of the Time.

Evergreens were sacred to the Celts for instance they did not "die" thereby on behalf of the eternal aspect of the goddess. Mistletoe represented the origin of the God, and at Midwinter, the Druids are intended to grasp gone dull wearing the forest to pick the mistletoe. They cut the mistletoe with a golden sickle and without an answer it in a white cloth for it was not to suggestion the sphere in esteem of its purity.

YULE Discernment

Bonfires were lit in the fields, and crops and trees were "wassailed" with toasts of spiced cider.

Babyish were escorted from hut to hut with gifts of clove spiked apples and oranges which were laid in baskets of evergreen boughs and wheat stalks dusted with flour. The apples and oranges represented the sun, the boughs were graphic of immortality, the wheat stalks portrayed the pick, and the flour was realization of triumph, light, and life. Holly, mistletoe, and ivy not recently decorated the inaccessible, but likewise the middle of homes. It was to strengthen attraction to Fabrication Sprites to come and cessation the celebration. A sprig of Holly was aloof gather the jaws all year long as a hold back attraction for good casual to pay envision to the people.

The territory Yule log was the height of the event. In accord to tradition, the log should either grasp been harvested from the householder's land, or unqualified as a gift... it should never grasp been bought. Behind dragged wearing the hut and to be found in the hearth it was decorated in nomadic underbrush, doused with cider or ale, and dusted with flour at an earlier time set fiery be a element of start again years log, (understood onto for entirely this sense). The log would burst into flames about the night, with smolder for 12 days one time at an earlier time idiosyncratic ceremonially put out. Ash is the traditional wood of the Yule log. It is the sacred world tree of the Teutons, civic as Yggdrasil. An herb of the Sun, Ash brings light wearing the hearth at the Solstice.

A funny type of Yule log, and most likely one supercilious pleasing for modern practitioners would be the type that is recycled as a merciless to grip three candles. Perceive a less significant switch of oak or rot, and concentration one portion so it sets raise. Teach three holes in the top portion to grip red, green, and white (ride out), green, gold, and black (the Sun God), or white, red, and black (the Roomy Divine being). Place to chain with underbrush, red and gold bows, rosebuds, cloves, and shake over with flour.

Deities of Yule are all Daughter Gods, Sun Gods, Father Goddesses, and Triple Goddesses. The best civic would be the Dagda, and Brighid, the kid of the Dagda. Brighid educated the smiths the arts of fire worry and the secrets of metal work. Brighid's flame, in the role of the flame of the new light, pierces the tightness of the spirit and wits, in view of the fact that the Dagda's cauldron assures that Fabrication incentive everlastingly give out for all the children.

Older names of Yule:

Midwinter, Alban Arthuran, Saturnalia, Frosty Solstice, Yuletide

Symbolism of Yule:

New start of the Sun, The recording night of the year, The Frosty Solstice, Introspect, Direction for the Choose by ballot.

Cryptogram of Yule:

Yule log, or second Yule log with 3 candles, evergreen boughs or wreaths, holly, mistletoe hung in doorways, gold rank candles, baskets of clove studded fruit, a simmering pot of wassail, poinsettias, Christmas cactus

Foliage and Herbs of Yule:

Bayberry, blessed thistle, evergreen, frankincense, holly, laurel, mistletoe, oak, rot, spiritualist, blond cedar

Foods and Drinks of Yule:

Cookies and caraway cakes soaked in cider, fruits, loopy, mutton tea set, droop, eggnog, red tea, spiced cider, wassail, or lamb's whiskers (ale, sweetie, nutmeg, roasted apples)

Madden of Yule:

Fade away, cedar, bayberry, cinnamon

Oils of Yule:

Aromatic plant, Myrrh, Nutmeg, Saffron, Cedar/Pine, Wintergreen and Carroty

Norm of Yule:

Red, green, gold, white, silver

Bravery of Yule:

Rubies, bloodstones, garnets, emeralds, diamonds

Nature of Yule (real and fictional):

Stags, Squirrels, Wren, Robin, Phoenix, Trolls, and the Mermecolion

Actions of Yule:

Caroling, wassailing the trees, eager the Yule log, decorating the Yule tree, exchanging of presents, kissing under the mistletoe, high regard Kriss Kringle the Germanic Pagan God of Yule, meditation and introspection

Formal procedure Meanings of Yule:

Formal procedure Meaning: New start of God, Go on of the Triple Divine being, Recompense of the Sun and the Waxing Time

Spellworkings of Yule:

Send for, union, love, and improved joyfulness

Deities of Yule:

Goddesses - Brighid, Isis, Demeter, Gaea, Diana, Demeter, The Roomy Father, The Triple Divine being, Gaea, Mary, Amaterasu, Pallas Athena, Rhea

Gods - Apollo, Ra, Odin, Lugh, The Oak Ruler, The Horned One, The Warm Man, The Saintly Schoolgirl, Mabon, Daughter God, Lugh,Balder, Set off Christmas, the Member of the aristocracy of Misrule, Jesus, Mithras, Santa Claus

On its own YULE Formal procedure

Ideas needed: A candle in a traditional Yule color

Collect of Intent:

"Before the beginning of time witches

grasp gathered in this ride out

to characteristic the revival of the Sun.

On the Frosty Solstice - the darkest of nights

The Divine being becomes the Roomy Father

And as soon as once again gives environmental to the Sun

Inauguration the yearly carry on once again

Bringing new light and hallucination to all the Globe.

On the recording night of winter

Flares the flash of hallucination

The Blessed Transmit,

The Delicate of the Globe,

I am present in the vicinity of to reaction the new light.

As I cessation the Divine being in meet the new Sun

I likewise reaction the new light within for myself."

Contact the Quarters and/or cast the circle as you would nromally do


"Lady, you who are the beauty of the white earth

and the white moon in the midst of the stars

the mystery of the waters

the aim in the hub of death

We plea to you to come to this place and wait this rite,

for you are the middle of construction that gives life to the


"Member of the aristocracy, You who are the lawlessness of the frenzied trappings

the simple sun that lights the day

the mystery of the forest

The answer in the hub of death

We plea you to come in the vicinity of to this place and wait this rite,

for you are the personnel of construction who gives life to the



"The old exorbitant year has run its course and concluded its

carry on.

So too grasp some of our traditions or traits concluded their

cycles and outlived their neighborliness.

This is a time for coming loose that which is no longer desired."

(Inducement a few moments now to connect which trappings

you would last word deferred as you go wearing the coming year.)

(Stop to ponder)

"As the old year dies remark

so to incentive these old ways incentive perish wearing bumper."

"In the beginning we came from the tightness of the womb.

Hand over we were bent, nourished

and inflexible for our environmental wearing the light.

Participating in us, we calm accept that intense tightness.

Hand over we grip the seeds of hopes and dreams to come.

Hand over we give food to are hopes for love, joy and softness for all.

We cushion these stretch family

until they are strong sufficiently to come forth and flower in the


(Avail yourself of a part time now worry these creations to come.

Conduct them, further them for they incentive increase with you,

and breed in the coming year.)

(Stop to rebound)

"As the sun strengthens further, so incentive my new ways increase."


"I light this candle for the tot Solstice Sun

One second flame to challenge the tightness

A ray of hallucination

A symbol of the Delicate within me

Delicate that can never be extinguished

Delicate that incentive increase in glory

Waxing strong, anyhow the stimulating to come

Delicate that dispels misery and pessimism

Benign us a glimpse of golden days short-lived"

"Observe the light that can never die

Reborn once again in the Solstice Sky!"

Awkward or release the circle as you would typically do


6 Snowy Candles

Dehydrated Mistletoe

3 Above-board Pieces of Record

Warm Pen

Boiling Serving of food

Partake of the candles in a circle, and light them saying,

"Accept to the Sun's return, may the vigor and life return."

On the paper, document a word on each to sum up your base, e.g. Vigor,

Festiveness, Squatness, etc.

Cover mistletoe onto each word, fold down the paper and with provoke (be

draw to a close, and amuse do not reside the haze
) - last word the eager paper in

the fireproof salver.

Later than it is sure to do so, cloak the ash in the Hangout.

Blessed Years OF YULE TAROT Version

Number one USES

To help you to roll a sacred path through the twelve days of Yule from December 20th, the Father Night of Dreams to December 31st, New Year's Eve or Hogmanay.

Blessed Years of Yule Luster

This make for incentive help you to learn to allot the tarot to flavor and make better your estimate through the twelve jolly days from December 20th to 31st. The meaning of each card in the make for reflects the energy of the one together with each of the twelve days.

1. Father Night OF DREAMS: - Dec 20th This card reminds us to fix your eyes on for a exclusive letter in our dreams tonight. The ancients thought that our dreams on this night foretold some of the major accomplishments in the coming year.

2. YULE - Frosty SOLSTICE: - Dec 21st This card shows us how best to connection to the Delicate within and exclusive of - it symbolizes the Shock of the Sun.

3. THE Time OF BETH: - Dec 22nd This card points to the inner blocks and unfriendliness that is holding us back from examination our dreams.

4. HOPI Time OF Rejuvenation Dec 23rd This card indicates the best way for us to look for decontamination and new life, and to build carelessness for others.

5. Celebration OF MOTHERS, CHRISTMAS EVE: - Dec 24th This card shows how we can connection with the spirits of our folks for communion and to ask for wisdom and target. It is likewise a time for Christians to rebound on the environmental of Christ.

6. Anniversary OF Energy, CHRISTMAS: - Dec 25th This card shows us how to connection organized with Wish.

7. YULETIDE, KWANZAA: - Dec 26th This card shows us how to express nurturance, to wait to our families and to express the distrustful energy within us towards others.

8. Shock OF FREYJA: - Dec 27th This card points to issues of love, luck, literary and creative speech and female wisdom.

9. Celebration OF ALCYONE: - Dec 28th This card gives us a admit inner letter - one that speaks organized to our hub and spirit.

10. DAY OF NYMPHS - Dec 29th This card encourages us to connection to our playful portion, our inner child and how best to refurbish this aspect of ourselves.

11. DAY OF REST: - Dec 30th This card shows us how to roll our path in a laid-back and cool way....with the trade to organization with worrying situations in a insightful, small way.

12. NEW YEAR'S EVE, HOGMANAY - Dec 31st This card shows us how to release the old and let in the new. This relates to whichever our get out lives and our inner idiosyncratic.


This make for is unusual from other spreads - it is done one card at a time, to play with the course of twelve days. Each card is assumed to be gaunt and reflected upon as a turn-off single, with a special unusual letter for the exclusive sacred day.

1. Basic, style out a marks of the Yule Joystick.

2 Minute a gentle ordered time of day to pin down each card to play with the twelve days if you can. Later than the busyness of the ride out, this can be a shot.

3. Each day, pin down one card from your tarot deck and lay it on the sincere josh of the trail. Cautious on each card and glean the letter it has for you, according to the meanings unqualified further.

4. By New Year's Eve your trail incentive be full with the gaunt twelve cards. Cautious on the entire meaning of these twelve cards as a whole and document down your parody of the letter idiosyncratic unqualified for the coming year.

Sourcez: Bella Online

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