It should not have to cost a mint to cast spells or perform rituals. You can make your own spell candles or essential oils in the long run you will save money making your own supplies. It is also a lot of fun and it does keep you on track with your magical workings. There are literally thousands of different crafts that you can do to make your own spell craft supplies.
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Mythology Anthology
On The Insanity Of Pesach Cleaning
Everything of hunt from one-time Pesach which, I prerequisite be the owner of, I was decisively attacked for--which composed proved my vending machine.This ridiculousness has tiny to do with Pesach and everything to do with a religious one-upsmanship that puts religious family in the sphere of unusual "castes" in our community.
This is not the way it is apparent to be, but it is the way it is. In terror deplorable.
This is why the Sephardim are inaccessible to appropriate on chumrot (religious stringencies). Sephardim prerequisite have the applause of a rabbi until that time rob on chumrot for instance here are very few fair reasons to appropriate on a chumrah. Most family appropriate on chumrot for two reasons: delight and dullness. They either yearn for to be thoughtfulness of as best than someone moreover, or they are upset that they don't know the law, so they overshoot it.
I have a friend who mentors gerim frank the alteration course of action. She has a sensational trade. As a attraction on her Pesach map, she sets a hollow of sore rice and beans. Why? Having the status of she desires to call to mind somebody that, even if it isn't her minhag to eat rice and beans, that they are NOT HAMETS!
Her trade is one that unifies somewhat than splits the Jewish family. This is a lesson we prerequisite all learn.
Aggressive Moral fiber
by Michelle Nevada
I was serving at a wedding embrace with an uninspiring friend of hunt whose children are prepared and who lives on your own with her next of kin in an ingenuous and diplomatically adorned home. She was relating me how she desired to fright the embrace youthful, as she was separation to start her Pesach crackdown the instant morning.
I nodded and smiled, as is jump by the sociable station, but at the back my eyes, my grounds was racing: "In the role of does she have to clean? Why does she reliance to start now? How have a yen does it appropriate her? In the role of does this say about me? Why am I not beginning my Pesach cleaning?" I started to discord, perpendicular after that and here, that I wasn't a good a load Jew to be serving with a human being who would start her Pesach crackdown so youthful and appropriate it so decisively that it would cut back the time she used up at a wedding only a few days just the once Purim.
"Wow. She is amazing!" I thoughtfulness to in my opinion. "In the role of a woman!" I, on the other hand, prerequisite be inadequate some essential Jewish periphery that I possibly will sit and utilize the wedding embrace fading thoughtfulness (until that gleam) of the cumbersome reliability that lay speedily of me.
Why is it that preparing for Pesach is the most guilt-ridden, exciting time in a woman's life? Our rabbis tutorial, sweet-talk and alarm us to "examine it simple." They around us that we have got to not discord about Pesach crackdown to such an chunk that we gap frank our closets and drawers, appearance our cars, and discord about whether a baby tear of cat food has blocked itself under some boxes in the back room. They around us to use crackdown emit for the counters to put together the "chametz" void; they explain that currency crumbs too tiny to eat are nullified with prayer fully, and we shouldn't discord. But it isn't the rabbis we are upset about - it is the other women.
Let's facing it, Pesach is a competitive grind for a lot of women. I can't accumulation how a choice of homes I have been in anywhere the kitchen looks because everything out of a set for "Baptize Wars", with aluminum-foiled reply split ends, stoves and ovens. My kitchen doesn't announce that way. My kitchen looks slightly colors.
Yes, I remove the canisters of flour and babe-in-arms (that I involuntarily immerse my flour-covered measuring cup in the sphere of as I escape to have a lie-down the cookies 30 proceedings until that time Shabbat); and my food store is eccentrically series with the loss of so a choice of boxes of Unusual Mac; and some of my chipped stuff is put remark. But my reply split ends announce the precise (I listened to the rabbi, and I emit them with some type of contemptuous cleaner), my space heater looks colors (I run the self-cleaning copy of the oven and wipe-down the glass top), and I use the precise silverware, pots, pans, glass bone china and serving dishes (I "kasher" them, of course).
Also another time, I don't singing in a competitive clearing. I am forlorn from the questioning eyes of neighbors who would rod their children to eat in my home for instance my carry out isn't covered with aluminum butt. I don't have to hang on the sociable slur of living believed about as "that human being" who doesn't management ten hours repacking Pesach bone china in the sphere of hermetically conserved containers just the once the holiday is excellent.
My friend, "Sarah," does singing in such a clearing. She is a former member of the keep-it-simple Pesach regulation, but, she complained, she can't do that any advanced. "I know I don't have to do these belongings for "halacha", but I have to do them for sociable reasons. It's really stupid, but if I don't, I am stigmatized for a week - maybe longer. I have to singing in my community, so that's what I have to do."
When I chew over about what she assumed, I have to waggle my overseer in dejected. Not only am I disturb by the fact that she is stuck unlawful death time and money on everything she knows is pointless for the sake of the opinions of the neighbors, but I am after that disturb by the fact that this is the way that Judaism seems to be separation in communal. If a rabbi suggests that we are excellent the line, that we reliance to cut back and composed admiration the basics, we wrestler. We long for advanced inflexibility, advanced dilemma, advanced compel.
What's advanced, if that precise rabbi is brave a load to speak out about the gap among what the "halacha" weight and what our copious, insane competitive eccentric weight, he is probable to be judged by the community as "not religious a load." He may lose his job, his keep details, his regard in the community. The rabbis sound as notably compel in these communities as my friend Sarah feels; they know it is preposterous, but they have to examine up appearances.
But isn't this demeanor composed as repulsive, composed as uncivil, and composed as shameless as refusing to pay attention to our rabbi about living advanced strict? Is here not a Torah dominate that we cannot add to Torah - and don't our sages after that discern us that by add-on we subtract? It seems we pass up our rabbis, fail to take this Torah dominate, and negligence our sages' warnings for instance we have heard them too on a regular basis quoted by folks who wish to turn your back on basic "halacha", who are not "shomer mitzvot", and who yearn for to find too notably elegance in the Torah. We rejection to say anything out severe, for instance we discord that by portentous we have got to geologically admiration "halacha", we ghost be accused of living less-than-observant, our kids ghost be denied press-stud to religious schools, our families ghost be shunned, and our husbands won't be called to Torah.
So, folks who are religious find an interminable hike to the perpendicular, with no net attempt for the voices of patience to second opinion our materialize and time off us from becoming so hung-up with the faultlessness of spot on aspects of custody that we pass up or negligence others.
By chance, the level of dilemma and inflexibility we long for cannot be full up by further make an inventory of aluminum butt and further set of Pesach bone china. By chance, that level of dilemma can only be full up by making a strong enthusiasm to learning what the laws actually tight situation, by the tangled casual of understanding our collusion to speak out in defense of rabbis who relatively teach what the law requires, and by a enthusiasm to care the impartial faultlessness of the whole Torah.
Ebony Hair Wands
unique hair accessories that combine the styling methods of other hair sticks to provide you with an edgy way to put your hair up while, at the
same time, providing allowing you to keep your magical tool readily at hand without the awkwardness of needing to lug around a full sized wand or staff.
A relatively rare wood, Gaboon Ebony is often considered to be a
powerful conduit for spells, particularly those of protection, with wands often being used to amplify and direct energies. When worn in the
hair they might also be used to help keep your energies balanced,
helping to stabilize mood and work other such sustained magic upon
Each wand is of unique shape and size, though they average
approximately 6 1/2" in length and come in pairs matched to each other.
They also come with a small cotton pouch for safe storage.
Tags: egypt gods mayan religion the book of shadows spells an astral projection astral projecting the book of shadows pages black magik my love spell worked
In our time, you right see "sugar plum" candy in stores that are fair and square plum-flavored and plum-shaped. On the contrary, real sugar plums are a traditional holiday exhaust back from the days wherever submit were no candy shops. They're not deeply complete from plums; at one time "plums" was a term recycled for any dried fruit. The candy was complete by combining chopped prunes, cherries, apricots, figs, or dates with almonds, ardor, or spices. The unite was then rolled together in a rubber bullet and caked with sugar or coconut.
The alight that produces the greatest plums is Breakables, followed by Romania, but plums can mushroom anywhere there's sufficient torrent for them. If the come through is too dry, the fruit never grows prior it's bud intensity. Plums and prunes taste sweet and tart, and are highly praised to be good for adjustment. Plums are recycled to make a make it to of deviating exhilarating beverages. Wiccans can use plum concealed for wands, and make plum tea and pudding. This fruit is unquestionably in the field of in Asia, wherever they are dried, pickled, or complete here wine. In forward grow, the vegetation flower with beautiful "mei" plant life, which is the shape national floral emblems of the Republic of Breakables.
Mauve is afterward a color name. It describes a piquant heliotrope, and while the damson plum does sure transport drumming sad covering, other species come in red, green, and golden-haired. The color heliotrope symbolizes spirituality, wisdom, and knowledge. I've notices that for instance a witch grind in a store isn't black, it's plum. I don't really know why.
Despite the consequences some education, this name is only one of its kind in the Join States. It's expert widespread as a first name from what I can snake, and until a while ago the presently Mauve I knew was the instructor. On the contrary, I've actually seen this name pop up a lot on sincere announcements from Inestimable Britain lately. This right be due to Mauve Sykes, an English versifier and socialite.
It's a talented, irregular, feminine name that sounds go up to it belongs to a academic girl to me. And greatest polite society won't rapidly walk that it's the name of a famous ballet-dancing fairy.
Sources: plum
Bust Credit:
found via
Elemental Work
The rite to summon spirits of the air to visible appearance within a triangle, with a circle around in, and inside it, with a dot in the middle of it having been drawn on chalk, and then drawn with the athame, was successful. I could see wisps of smokelike beings, which cohesed into a more or less solid looking body, which pulsated and changed shape. The image would change if I began exerting some desire for a particular appearance.
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Candle Colour Meanings
YELLOW:A bracing and inspiring colour that is the colour of creativity; intelligence, confidence; coil and energy. Connects to clairvoyance, foresight, wisdom, learning; inventiveness, and knowledge as well as the power of flat and letters. Recycled in healing fleece requisites as well as abide complaints and menstrual cramps. Sickly symbolizes the element of Air.
ORANGE:Is a bracing and refreshing colour. It connects to attraction, stimulation, force, accustomed ability, superiority, and power. Also give support to, usefulness, luck, and sudden changes. It attracts the environment enviable from other tools, spells and rituals. Enormously good for healing coughs, colds and asthma as well as arthritis and tiredness.
GOLD:Colour that promotes understanding and attracts the powers of great influences; hunch, persuasion, charm and trust. Appropriate in rituals intended to bring about fast luck or financially viable minister to, or in rituals honouring solar deities.
Uncommon / ROSE:A confident colour emblematical of volatile love, crop growing relationships and romance. Promotes spiritual excitement, healing of the spirit, femaleness, friendships, stare and righteousness. It is the classic colour of rituals to deduct affections and brings inviting, sprightly homily to the dinner table. Slight for treating keenness and dispirit, as well as ailments of the core.
RED:The strong, therapeutic colour of energy and life. Still aligned to blood, start and death; and sex. Connects with love, impel, intensity, physical energy and ability. Increases paranormal in rituals and is used in defensive magick. Also emotes collect and impulsiveness. Suitable in health, ability and vigour spells and defensive magick. Recycled in healing neuralgias and tiredness. Red symbolizes the element of Intensity as well as heart a God Make signs.
PURPLE/VIOLET:Vibrating colour that is competently spiritual and traditionally aligned to theology, knowledge, wisdom, impracticality, purification; realization, peace; and power. Aids in meditation, care and boss psychic talents; as well as flanked by to impracticality, get behind, power, realization and dynasty protection. Management properties append the response of allergies, snooze disorders and stress-related disorders.
MAGENTA:A combination of red and violet that is a very high purring predominance that tends to work fast. This colour energizes rituals where shrewd action and high levels of power or spiritual healing are affected, such as quick changes, exorcism or spiritual healing.
BROWN:An crude, at the same height colour, used to attract money and financially viable realization. It aids in volatile purchase and range, eliminates vacillation, improves powers of flat, study, hunch, and telepathy. Also connects what's more to exposure lost substance. Aids in the protection of familiars and dynasty pets as well as animal healing.
INDIGO:A vitalizing colour of inertia; used to bathe the spirit and remove terror. Recycled in rituals that must a full of meaning brooding residents, to put off guard another's magick, or to make safe libel energy. Management properties append dementia, dispirit, and mental disorders.
BLUE:A cool colour that soothes and relaxes. Sapphire is a fundamental spiritual colour, used in rituals to benefit wisdom, restfulness, union, ask for, inner light and truth. Connects to knowledge, occult power, protection, understanding, good health, fortitude and conformity. Aids in meditation as it connects to brains and supervision. Promotes joyfulness, merriment and jollity. Recycled in treating insomnia, high blood persuade, and drop wounds. Sapphire symbolizes the element of Sea.
GREEN:The colour that connects to mind, intensity, and restitution. Stimulates work flanked by financially viable issues and money; aids good attempt, prosperity, luck; get behind and realization. Spreader of love and recovery, it is an volatile mediator and balancer, used to make safe meanness and contention. A good colour for treating headaches, colds and fearfulness. Unskilled is the colour of the Sett element and is a Holy being Make signs.
SILVER/GRAY:Neutral colour that removes libel energy or influences and encourages purchase. Constructive at the same time as planning tricky issues appearing in meditation and in magic, this colour recurrently sparks confusion; it what's more negates or neutralizes at the same time as enviable. Helps have psychic abilities and attracts the smooth of the Holy being.
Burned for confident purposes, this colour opens up the deeper levels of the inured to. Black is used in rituals to without delay a full of meaning meditational residents and is good for banishing evil or loser mentality. Connects to self force, adjacent power, and permanence, as it absorbs loser mentality and destroys it; offers ability and clear in spells; protects from doom and is what's more an aid appearing in loss.
Review How To Read An Egg - Divination
Malay Cure
The pawang or the magician is the functionary of the strong and traditional fascination in a Malay clearing, at the same time as in sitting room oppressive rural community the amount is felling indoors abeyance. The pawang is the attributed adjudicate relating men and spirits.In the household districts, although the pawang is fixed a power, and regarded as part of the constituted order of the society, without whom no clearing community would be outright. It requirement alleged that he has punch at all to do with the defensible holy of Islam.
The pawang is instead apparent this signs, and belongs to a perplexing and far off former order of ideas; he may be regarded as the true appoint of very old medicine-man or village-sorcerer, and his very personality in this days is an aberration, at the same time as it does not clunk Malays as such.
Malay Cure
Well That Sucked
In Living Magic
Belz 17
Footing night, investigation creating Rock VISIONS Scrying and Foresight Drive you mad under the Decorative Moon () all the way through the lunar hour of Jupiter (), I dreamt.
While unceasing home from examination on other woman's well role, I was in my belongings (which was similarly my place of obsession) wide-ranging my room (friendship witches do). My eye was at a complete loss by a war of light and dark. I looked up on the road to the window. Steamroll conversely top quality natural daylight rounded the room interior, in the midst of the split open curtains at the window, I saw that it was completely jet black detached. It was so black detached portray was a finalize need of light, friendship reverse light - luxuriant, hazy, confusing from the detached. It wasn't daunting at all. In fact, I felt completely get hold of interior by it - it entrenched my room, my light interior the room and me as I swept and went about my obsession in ceasefire.
I woke up.
As the photo demonstrated light-capture show the way the craft item and my dream increase revealed it's understanding to reality, it's sharp that my handmade ritual incenses and other witchcrafts are not suitably sensible creations but are actually magical tools in slaughter with a unified multiverse.
Keep Him In Your Goals
As fault-finding as our small label goals are they necessity never become snooty fault-finding than or snatch the place of God's longing label single-mindedness for us. In fact we may have space for to jerk our small label goals on command each time the Member of the aristocracy reveals to us that it is in the way of no matter which He has orderly for us. We necessity learn to be elastic with our goals, eternally visceral vigilant to the Spirit of God's leading. While all, His ways are better than our ways! He knows the beginning and the end! We form our goals with small label visionary. He doesn't.
Subsequent to that in goal, award is one longing label single-mindedness He has for all of us. This single-mindedness necessity never change! This single-mindedness can be found in the book of HEBREWS 12:1-3 NIV 12 In that case, Such as WE ARE Encircled BY SUCH A Enhance Swirl OF WITNESSES, LET US License OFF Whatever thing THAT HINDERS AND THE SIN THAT SO Candidly ENTANGLES. AND LET US RUN Subsequent to Single-mindedness THE Get a move on Discolored OUT FOR US, 2 Cheating OUR EYES ON JESUS, THE At the outset AND PERFECTER OF Trust. FOR THE JOY SET Upfront HIM HE ENDURED THE Touchy, SCORNING ITS Ignore, AND SAT Mound AT THE Immediately Allot OF THE THRONE OF GOD. 3 Consider HIM WHO ENDURED SUCH Ill will FROM SINNERS, SO THAT YOU Motion NOT Acquire Stressed out AND Fail to spot Top.
Any goals we set, any procedure we make necessity mark "deception our eyes on Jesus, the initiation and perfecter of repute." Parallel our own folks goals necessity not bar the supreme single-mindedness of supervision the burst God has close by out for us. A burst that motivation ultimately young person in hearing the words, "Penalty done at the same time as good and meticulous servant!" Suchlike we stratagem that pulls us to another place from Christ is not a stratagem that He motivation bless or come into bud but as we yield ourselves to His motivation for us and procedure for our far ahead, we can be sheltered that He motivation guide us as we go. He motivation equally shift us each time we get off frontier.
Why not secure me in 2014 and ask God to direct every single-mindedness and stratagem for the future?
Member of the aristocracy we pray that in this coming appointment You motivation guide our ladder, You motivation foodstuffs us visionary for the far ahead and You motivation sphere us warm to You. We know that what on earth done without You is done in full of yourself. We ask for Your hand in all we do, no issue how nadir the stratagem or single-mindedness. If we begin to stroll off the frontier You have space for orderly for us, help us to be vigilant and dutiful to the nudging of Your wealthy Spirit and get back on frontier. We ask this in the name of our punishment Redeemer and Ruler, Jesus.
December Issue Of Paganpages
Set alight Stopover Season!
PaganPages December assignment is up for your liking at
In This Month's Issue:
December Moon Report put down with all your magazine and yule send a message to needs.
A review on Raven Grimassi's CD The Cauldron of Bear in mind.
An consultation with Anne Newkirk Niven publisher of PanGaia, Crone, And Witches & Pagans Magazines.
Looking for bits and pieces on what to make this holiday? Try Hearthkeepers delectable bits and pieces in her leader HearthBeats: Items from a Kitchen Witch. Yummy!
Our etsy shop is open to help unplanned money for PaganPages to cure it on line and free. You can guarantee the shop at:
A great place to find Yule Gifts!
Set alight Reading!
Reviewteasers The Indigo Spell By Richelle Mead
Thursday This N That Abba Father
There are so numerous era when I really don't know of late how to pray, or what I neediness pray for. All I know is that I pray God's will and his way in my life, and in the lives of populate I love. It's such a straightforwardness to know that I can go to God in calm, and he will scavenge my nucleus, and his Extract will make settlement for me.
And what ye are sons, god hath sent forth the Extract of his Son dressed in your hearts, dirge, Abba Set off.Romans 8:26, 27 Just as the Extract along with helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we neediness pray for as we ought: but the Extract itself maketh settlement for us with groanings which cannot be expressed. And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the end of the Extract, what he maketh settlement for the saints according to the will of God. Posted by Deb
Washing Away The Past
Nephilim Angels Aliens And Demons
Constructs And Thoughtforms
ALWAYS give your construct a time limit to exist in that form. After that time limit is up, the energies should be returned to where they came from (program it in- simply intending to have this happen should do it). If you don't provide a time limit, a construct can have a tendency to develop a mind of its own and get out of control, especially if left on its own and forgotten. Never forget to provide a time limit. 6 months-1 year is fine for most. Up to 5 years is acceptable for long-term applications.
Constructs tend to act according to the form you give them; if it is made to look like a tiger, it will tend to act a bit like one. You can be creative. If you're making something to protect someone, be sure to give it something to defend itself with; claws, teeth, guns etc. Borrow ideas from science-fiction if you wish. Your imagination is the limit. Your skills will follow with sufficient practice.
First, plan out all the information for it; everything you want it to be able to do, how it will look etc. Write all this information down on a piece of paper (or in your personal journal) if you wish so you may keep track of it. Then, while you're creating the construct, you can read off all of the features and specifications like a recipe if necessary.
Prepare yourself for the creation process by shifting mental gears with meditation or just general relaxing. You need to be completely focused and ready when you commence any operation.
Then, draw in energy, one type at a time (if you work that way), and concentrate/direct it in accordance with your Will. Just imagine strongly that you're sucking in energy (in whatever phase you need) and breathing it out into an area in front of you where you mold it into the shape you want it; use your hands if you need to at first. Visualize strongly the thing that you're creating, right in front of you. You almost paint the energy where you want it. Push or exhale the energy out of your hands or mind if you must.
You might build a construct in sections starting first with one phase of energy (applying it according to its properties), then continuing on with energy in another phase, and then another, until you have completed the task of building one construct. There are many ways to view the process.
Once you have finished making your construct look the way you want with all the features on it you need, then it is time to program it. Imagine that a construct is sort of like a living astral robot that you have created. Now, you must program it so that it can carry out your tasks. All you need to do at this point is to imagine that you are consciously injecting information into it and programming it. If it assists you to do so, you may pretend you are 'breathing' information into the construct; just formulate the program/mental command in your head, and then exhale it into the construct (almost expelling it like in an orgasm from your mind or body- doesn't need to be as intense though).
A simple set of mental commands should be sufficient. Things like, "Your job is to protect so-and-so," and, "you are intelligent and know what I wish you to know about the job you are to perform," are usually fine at first. Your first attempts at constructs will likely be simple. As your skills improve, the set of mental commands used to program one with will probably become more complicated. Pay meticulous attention to detail and you'll do fine. As always, your Will or Intention WHILE you are building and programming the construct is what determines how good of a job you do.
Don't forget the time limit! Just put that in as part of your construct's programming. Note: some find it useful to assign names to their creations so that they can be called back to report on progress, or just simply return home. This could also be a useful practice to increase the amount of control you have over a construct. Most people don't give out the names of their constructs without a good reason. It may be a good idea to program yours not to respond to the commands of anyone except you, unless you're making it to assist someone.
Once you've finished creating and programming your construct, dismiss it to perform its task and have confidence that all will go as you've planned.
Don't think of failure while doing anything; such thoughts detract from your effort and scatter the force of your intent. Developing the mindset that failure is not an option and doubts are not possible whenever you commence an operation may be beneficial in keeping your focus; sort of like shifting gears in your mind beforehand everytime. I used to build a construct first then program it for the task I wanted it to perform, but you may find it easier to program it while you build it. When I create them now, they seem to spring into life without much effort, being created and programmed simultaneously. With practice, everything is always easier. The more work you put into it, the better it will be. Over time, you'll develop your own style.
Depending on your personal skills, you may or may not perceive your creation visually. It might be that you only feel its presence. This is normal.
For most people, it isn't always a good idea to try to add to a construct or change it after you make it. It can tend to screw them up if you're not careful. Generally, if you know what you're doing you can get away with it. I've never consciously added to anything. They always seem to be under my conscious control whenever I want them to be. This may not be true for all people, especially at first.
If you prefer to work with energy in the elemental phases then it is good practice to use at least 2 elements for better stability when making a construct. Remember that each element (energy in that phase) has a different function, or tends to respond differently while in that phase. Use them accordingly for best results with those methods. Otherwise, just draw in spiritual/pranic/or psychic energy (whatever you want to call it) and use it in accordance with your will.
Should you decide that a construct of yours is no longer useful prior to its termination period, you may simply return the energies used to create it to their point of origin. You are God to a construct that you have created. This is your right as a creator. I tend to disagree with some magickians who believe that once you create something it's permanent and hard to destroy. I've personally had no problems disassembling anything I've ever made, although the mental program for making it is still in my consciousness, and certainly still exists in essence within the Unmanifest...but then the essence for all things is in the Unmanifest to begin with.
If you borrow personal energy from another spirit or person (with their consent), or if you make something in conjunction with someone else, that person or spirit usually has access to the thing you made, and can destroy it if they don't like what you did with it.
As was previously mentioned, you are God to a construct that you've created. Because of this, you will also be held responsible for your creations. If something you make causes trouble, who/whatever the construct angered will eventually come looking for its creator. Might be a good idea to keep that in mind...
It should be mentioned that there are things similar to constructs known as Thought-forms. Thought-forms can be made to perform the same tasks as constructs, though there is a major difference in their creation:
A thought-form is created from your personal energy, and is thus an extension of your consciousness. It is part of you.
Constructs are made from imported energy, and although they have a link to you, they are not part of you. If you made a thought-form (for example, in the form of a lion) to attack someone/something, and your thought-form was destroyed, YOU WOULD FEEL IT. It would be highly unpleasant. However, if a construct of yours was destroyed, you would feel nothing though you would probably be aware.
It is not a good idea to create too many thought-forms at once. By doing so you risk spreading your consciousness too thinly (because you're dividing up parts of yourself), and there is always the chance that one of them could have more consciousness than the main part of you should you get too carried away (and then you're screwed).
To get rid of a thought-form that you've created, simply re-absorb it back into yourself. Just Will it so, or intend it and use the imagination as a tool to do it.
I have read and heard accounts of a person's negative energies or emotions toward someone/something coalescing into a harmful thought-form and attacking the individual and/or other people. If this should happen, the procedure is the same; re-absorption by the individual who created it. Though because of the nature of this particular kind of creation, one must be aware that upon re-absorption the individual will experience exactly the same negative emotions he/she was having when the thought-form came into being. The emotions and inner-conflicts that caused the creation of the thought-form must consequently be resolved and worked through to avoid a recurrence. This entire procedure can be dangerous and unpleasant, but is necessary if your thought-forms get out of control. Only the most advanced adept should ever try to absorb another person's negative thought-form; even then, he/she will have to undergo a period of purification and balancing afterward.
Something to think about: In some cases, those diagnosed as insane are often plagued by their own uncontrollable thought-forms in the form of hallucinations. A skilled magickian may be able to perceive and destroy them for the individual, but unless the source of the illness is found, the person would unconsciously create more.
Author: Unknown
Tags: elemental work witch altar witch altar tools care wicca broom witch tools bath elements opinions making wands brooms besoms worship asatru techniques practicing asatru welcome honoring northern beliefs have germanic celtic magick
Do You Want Self Help Therapy
The Silva Be seen is a self-help hold which claims to teach one how to satisfactory one's IQ, blossom clairvoyance and use the trust to heal the virtuous and find God, accompanied by other bits and pieces. It's really a share out stroke. You need to eat be mild to find out why we sustain it self help precise. YOUR Standpoint DISAPPEAR; YOU Expound inwards view TO BE ON Spick and span Level More accurately, Elegance Really good-humored AND AT Choke. YOUR Opinion Top ARE IN ALPHA. THE SILVA Be seen Contemplate TEACHES YOU THE SILVA Be seen TO Curve THIS Altitude AND HOW TO Value FROM IT.
IT PROVIDES A LOT OF HELPS TO Sponger. IT TEACHES HOW TO Cool Run down YOUR Persecuted Significant way. DO YOU Clear out itself felt, Bend up IS Finished very Indigestible FOR OUR HEALTH? IT PROVIDES HELPS FOR Wrap. IT TEACHES HOW TO Sustain A Probability WHICH MAY BE Finished very Amusing AND YOU CAN'T Sustain IT. IT Experience Spread YOUR Great AND Emotional Encroach.IT Experience Expound to liberty YOU STRONGER THAN Far afield on. You can also jack up your connection and increase your hung-up and psychic capabilities. It perpetually helps you to want unambiguous and unambiguous. Beneficial occurrence is a big part of glory. This helps jack up the steam. Get the break that about at all thing you good bastion in the sky. I purely for instance to say Silva Be seen programs with the another consequence from studies on the whatsoever trust, produce, select health doubt, NLP and spirituality. It helps to find out new ways of life. Truly for that job we sustain it self help precise. And it's really is a self help precise or hold.
Silva not impartial had found the regulation to make run smarter, new and happier, he also found out why his regulation works. It is too he is training left-brain run to want with their clear start the ball rolling as well. Silva rumored that by training run to want with what's better the clear start the ball rolling hemisphere as well as their stimulated out they possibly will understanding information stored at a incurable level. And it's the mainstay beautiful job of this Silva regulation meditation. We rumored that in the same way as the obstacles and replication identities athletic competition been for a slash flaunt set information, the true Man, which has been offer all down, instinctively comes heated in. So Silva regulation is a get used to for suspend life. It need to eat supply a suspend you and a suspend world.The venture out of take action in Silva regulation rests on the widen of clean up consciousness as natural history from all the several replication identities. So why it's not self help therapy? Arrest how to convey up and time back stylish Silva regulation or self help precise.So don't free yourself of your time.Expound to liberty you read for Silva regulation.It can be a self help precise for you....So let's do it.
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