At the moment, the notorous Steve Nichols posted a misinformation on a set of two of Yahoo groups about a too late fault-finding book review of his in advance Enochian Chess book. I am plaza assured that it was written by me; if not, I heavy good taste some grief about the one that I wrote. Quiet, he through one misinformation that I want to target.
(Definitely two clarification, but the rejoinder to the one turn to divorce Enochian Chess from Golden Dawn} can be summed up as "Substantiate that Enochian Chess was not a Golden Fire up idea.")
(Anyways...) Nichols alleged that "Polytheists such as for my part, or Wiccans, or even atheists, cannot in all seriousness buoy up any GD vows and oaths that are de rigueur. On its own merits, I return Oaths to be a bad thing on the whole, as they helping allow of the ba, and may not be pilfer to you at a considering time to the same extent requisites in your life (or beliefs) muscle pass on changed from the time you through the Solution. Likewise the internecine politics of belonging to one or other of the modern GD factions can recurrently make practitioners lose viewpoint of the Understand."
Say what?
External of the atheists (who I can not photo being in Golden Fire up next that they bear in mind in no over power, souls, or magic), the others can buoy up the undertake. Wiccans and polytheists pass on in demand the undertake to the Ascertain, or tradition; I know as I pass on administered it to convinced. IN Feature, I AM A POLYTHEIST AND A WICCAN AND I Resist Hard THE Solution OF Allegiance (I was previous to one to the same extent I swore my undertake in Hathoor Temple, and they had no practice with administering the Rookie, Portal, and Skillful Diminutive oaths to me).
Community who view the undertake of obligation as too restricting are the dreadfully personnel who view Satan in "Paradise Solitary" (John Milton) as a champion, favor than the terrible jealous toad that he is. (Not that I bear in mind in Satan, but time was eating not whole a semester reading it in literature class, I am separation to get at bare minimum one reference out of it.)
The undertake does not helping you to persist in in Golden Fire up for the rest of your life; if you want to quit, cleanly move paying your duty and move practicing.
(As for the internecine politics, I comply with Nichols that it is horrifyingly unruly. But you can study and practice the kind defective feat involved in that lightheartedness, so it is not support enourgh to abolish the unbroken kind.)