Friday 23 April 2010 | By: wicca

Criticism Of Religion

Criticism Of Religion
Manifold of you know that we "carry in" *1. a pantheon of deities, of which all are worldly constructs;2. a syncretic monotheistic Prime-Mover-type deity that set this heart off and furthermore retired. The other day in reading Richard Dawkins' "God False impression", we came upon this trade name of the Abrahamic god of what is methodically called the Old Memorial. We reaffirm it put on for your mirth and possibly your lighting. Do read the book, for one pondering man's want on a normal path. Our drive is that you spur find as to a great extent substance in Dawkins' trade name as we private found, as one getting your strength back Anglican and one getting your strength back Baptist. Here's what he says. The God of the Old Memorial is arguably the upper limit lowly characteristics in all fiction: selfish and euphoric of it; a small, unjust, bitter control-freak; a spiteful, bloodstained ancestral cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, hypocrite, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sado-masochistic, capriciously mean bully. We ultimatum you never, never to let a youthful living being read a single page of the Bible not including stifling elder failure to notice. Blessed be! Gavin and Yvonne- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -* Yvonne says, "Drop a minute! carry in'? Firm, I declare that plenty of jujus-on-sticks exist; that plenty of Jungian archetypes exist; that submit are heed forms or (puff) the structure of unseen specialists, if you spur, in this or that aspect of worldly suffer and throbbing. But carry in? Thanks, but I'm ballot vote with my feet. Helix me Guides and Elder Ones any day. Them I find substantial, definitely essential, to my own spiritual path. Others pray to find their own way.
