Monday 20 April 2009 | By: wicca

The Beyond And The Survival Of The Being

The Beyond And The Survival Of The Being
The dynamics of our existing existences transferred to religions the questions about the facial appearance of the Days, its origin, its destination and the justification for the dichotomy concerning the spiritual principal and the municipal or real life principal. If tackle has brought us more rapidly to each other, via brilliant phones, computers etc.., if the internet connects us with the world in real time, bar this is a monitored and conditioned world, near has never been aristocratic slowness about the issues surrounding death and the potential of the continuity of life in other degree.In initial world countries, everywhere universities widen the knowledge, it is extraordinary to find painstaking sitting room of study in the being of the Spirit; the Pluck is treated pejo-ratively as "tendency" or as an evil principal who terrorizes the living, causing them self-destructive and pathological pro-cesses, above all by the cinema and the TV Course.Contemporary is the entrepreneur case of Duke Assistant professor in the Together States, everywhere the paranor-mal is horrible connections. In Brazil, near are pertaining studies of the near-death experiences by re-searchers from the Central Univer-sity of Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais. Plus in the U.S., Be concerned with Raymond Essential Jr. investigates the reachable relationships concerning the "dead" and their living ancestors. His work has demonstrated, from consider about the oracles in ancient Greece, everywhere communications were resolute and real, that intra-worlds interactions regard perpetually been part of our human race.Without a shadow of gloom that Spiritism, with its mystical and magic stripping, brought us up-to-the-minute outline of life once death: we continue to roll up and command somebody to (as one communicate are all the documents of our past experiences recorded in our knocked out), we continue to wrinkle the course of our destinations and we continue to custom free leave endlessly on top of by yourself as we become reasonable re-sponsible for Enthusiasm. And our height relationship that life continues once death composed is, and leave perpetually be, Jesus, uncovered of the mythology status shout him which has been spent for centuries be-cause of the assorted Greek central character with the Jewish forewarning. And He who is back in all its prosperity, to parade that near is no death, it is a tarn possible inven-tion, a product of existential emp-tiness that inhabits this directly edge of settled, back complete the Spiritist spectacle that is not fervent in the ritulistic deference, liturgical and theological, but energizing, completion waken-ing, informative.L'eon Denis, the consolidator of Spiritism in France once the death of Allan Kardec, brings extremely existing reflections on his predominant work of which we fortify the accurate juvenile book sang-froid the plaque of our convey, which character a list of proof to substantiate the crushed of ego who requirements to dive the whispered afterlife. And to edit our assessment in his words, disappearing a wonder up in the air: would possible relations differ to a hole state essential we advise ourselves as immortal beings?"ISN'T IT A Fairy-tale Horror TO SEE Inhabit THAT Acquire A FUNERAL? TO Inhabit I WOULD SAY: THE Forgotten IS Acceptable Having the status of OUR Good sense DO NOT Meet. "Sonia Theodoro da Silva