Monday 23 March 2009 | By: wicca

Ostara Spring Equinox Moon In Libra

Ostara Spring Equinox Moon In Libra
"I'm one with the Divine being

and open to Her Awareness."

17th Day of the 3rd Huge Sprint

Ruled by Gaia

Huge Tree Sprint of Nion/Ash

3rd Day of the Celtic Tree

Month of Fearn/Alder

17th Day of the Sprint of Raven -

Verve of Air

Moon Phase: decay Full

Moon sets: 7:28AM EDST

Moon rises: 9:10PM EDST

Moon in the Cardinal Air

Characteristic of Libra

Rhiannon's Sprint of the Moon

Huge Meditation: The bright

of forgiveness

Sun enters Aries at 7:21PM EDST

Sunset: 7:25AM EDST

Sunrise: 7:31PM EDST

Lunar Dealing for the Day: "Is your

pounce on undermining someone or


Imbolc (Gwyl Mair) Area

of the Go out with

Ostara - 2:14AM EDST

Procession 20th, 2011

MOON IN LIBRA - The Moon in Libra opens our sociability, brings a sociable, open vibe and encourages us to pair. Bucks and roses - we reliance beauty care for we reliance air. This transit is a time to create, paint and find our core pay off and pay off with others. Moon in Libra places of interest the magick of the leap about of interrelatedness - sociable, warm and questioning for a way to pair. Libra asks us to pardon folks jaggedly us as colleagues and make self-evident our politics and arts, our lovemaking and our networks take in. All group moving picture order be heightened due to this moon transit. Be precise of superficial bonding only to overfriendliness the smart of aloneness. Moon in Libra is the best time to work magick relating enlightening work, lawfulness, law court cases, partnerships and unions, mental stimulation and karmic, spiritual or from the heart pay off. Revamp rituals for ailments of the edit back or kidneys are also done due to this do of time. Individuals who were uneducated under this moon sign came in the neighborhood to grip the beauty in kinship. They may reliance to learn to hook their own speak under skirmish. They employee us bone-deep utility, negotiation and lawfulness.

SUN DAY - is the Day of Article, Inauguration and Resurgence.....

Enhance Full MOON - I watched the Moon concern extreme night and it was pretty - care for a giant ocher shotgun shell coming up close the trees. The Moon became Full at 2:10PM EDST yesterday and was at 29 degrees in its zodiac sign of Virgo and so conceded out of Virgo at the stage it reached it's width. Jaggedly two hours unconventional it entered the Cardinal Air sign of Libra. I felt flattering good to develop crystal-clear skies in our outline

so I might see this Enhance Sized Full Moon. The moon as at lunar perigee to the same degree it became full and this is a direct towards it reaches every lunar go on. The elliptical fly around of the Moon brings it rigid to the Mud and this lunar go on it happened in the Full moon phase. A Full Moon at perigee occurs every harness of years or so. But the perigee direct towards set against is not constantly the actual - it can ramble by thousands of miles, sometimes years nearer, or enrich out. This perigee direct towards in Full Moon is the close one to the Mud in 18 years.

OSTARA - The hours of dawn develop improved and are fleetingly point to folks of night. From now until Autumn Equinox put on is senior dawn than night time. This is the Hop Equinox, whose true date order actually ramble righteous each go out with. Ostara is sacred to the Anglo-Saxon Begin Divine being Ostara, or Eostre, who derived from Ishtar, Astarte and Isis, and whose symbols are the egg of regeneration and the Hare. It is the indication of that other festival of regeneration, Easter. To the Greeks this was the time to the same degree Persephone returned from the Underworld and Demeter cast off her cloak of regret, allowing life to return to the land. Our language static holds traces of Eostre, in the words oestrus and oestrogen.

Hop is with us now; put on order be signs of rising life all around; vegetation on the trees, plant life in shoot, creatures rearing their recyclable. Try to get appearing in the fatherland to recognize these changes; you order see a long way away to union you of the return of life to the Realm, you may even see a Hare. This festival is painted light green and yellow. Seem for yellow plant life care for primroses and daffodils. For instance you see your best, make a wish to the Divine being and ask Her Good luck. If, on your trudge, you come across sheep's tale on a trellis, bump a short home with you and retreat it exterior for the birds to care for their nests.

[From: "The Proper Witches' Go out with by Kate West]

Hop EQUINOX Adherence - The Hop Equinox, to the same degree day and night are point in array, is a time of pay off. How congruent to come to pass in the zodiac moon sign of Libra! As well know as Oestara it is the festival of Eostre or Ostara, the Anglo-Saxon Divine being of Hop. This is an slight time for some reserved vegetate clearout, a time to be rid of the bad and financial assistance the good appearing in your life.

Swig by making two lists of 9 items each. The best essential be clothes which you would care for to be rid of. The best 3 are reserved, maybe bad habits; the following 3 make a claim your road and rail network with others, such as old resentments or guilt; and the after everything else three make a claim the Realm such as the loss of recyclable life due to cars on the road and rail network.

Uncivilized a sparkle list of 9, again in 3 parts, of clothes you would care for to bring, maybe a new job for yourself, senior patience in your dealings with others and the luxuriant acceleration of crops.

Simple a black candle and read the best list aloud three become old. Overstate the paper and ask the Divine being to bump these clothes from you. Hope these negatives incineration in the enthusiasm and years carried comatose in the haze. For instance the paper has rightly dried out, put the candle out. This short rite is truth with us separation appearing in the decay time of our lunar go on. Now, the sparkle list about clothes to bring appearing in your life, I would respectability you do it on the following New Moon - April 3rd - which sorry to say order be due to a Mercury Retrograde phase.... so maybe you may wish to do it now, at this time regardless of the decay moon.

Simple a white candle and read aloud three become old the list of clothes you would care for to bring to your life. Overstate this paper and ask the Divine being to bring these clothes to you. Hope your requests years carried to the Divine being in the haze. Let this candle shine all the way down. As you endow your energy to kind look out, let the negatives move away and unfashionable from you.

{From "The Proper Witches' Go out with" (righteous tailored) by Kate West]

THE SUN IN ARIES - Aries is the best sign of the zodiac and a Cut sign, demonstrating push, energy, and novelty. It is also a Cardinal sign, bringing swiftness, the application to almost out and to bump action, but also nervousness. Individuals uneducated to the same degree the Sun is in Aries are as a rule tiring, dictatorial, open and retort. Usually they endow off an air of moving picture and coldness, and frequently sexuality. It is cold to miss an Arian to the same degree they are in the room! They are crack and agitated, frequently seeking quick consequences. Brave and determined with an hazardous spirit, they spirit, they can score brassy and careless of the feelings of others. For example years quick ideas they exceptionally pay treatment to communicate, so the projects they produce frequently run aground. Operational well where thrust and business are de rigueur, they are remarkable at exploring new avenues, so long as they are aligned with someone with a practical report. They are obsessive in love, but may perform insensitive and careless of the feelings of others, noticeably as they are not good at listening. On the slander report they can be selfish, aggressive, insensitive and coarse.

For Arians this is a time to fun to your strengths but be precise of your weaknesses; produce new plans but put off remark until the Sun enters a new home which order be Taurus. Be twice as precise of the reliance to let followers grip that they are listened to and that their doctrine and state of mind are appreciated. For others this is the time to use the ambient energy to crave new solutions to calm problems. If you know an Arian, ask them for information, but endow it dire manifestation previously plunder action!

[From "The Proper Witches' Go out with" by Kate West]
