Tuesday 27 January 2009 | By: wicca

Gods And Goddesses Of Egypt

Gods And Goddesses Of Egypt
Gods and godesses of Egypt were repeatedly represented as animals or other armed forces of organism.In the region of you can find list of gods and goddesses of egypt and the formal in which they were represented centuries ago.The information old hat beneath is clear from areceological foundings in Primitive Egypt.You can report the have deity you are eager in to read provide evidence on wikipedia about Gods and goddesses of Egypt.

* Ra is the eagle god of the sun and,he has a falcon lightheartedness.
* Anubis is the god of mummification
* Bast is the Cat goddess.
* Sehkmet goddess of fire, war and press
* Serqet is the goddess of scorpions
* Nut is the goddess of sky and stars, mother of gods.
* Geb is the green god of Delve, and plants.
* Horus is the god with falcon's lightheartedness, god of pharaohs and sky.
* Osiris is the god of the afterlife.
* Isis is the goddess of magic and healing, wife of Osiris.
* Seth is the god of deserts and evil.
* Thoth is the cut up god and the god of farsightedness, inscription, and wisdom.
* Ma'at is the goddess of truth.
* Amun is the god of Thebes, king of gods in New Terra firma.
* Wadjet is the goddess of pregnancy and parenthood, goddess in weave form.
* Anuket is the goddess of canal Nile.
* Hathor is the goddess of the moon and children.
* Ptah is the cause god
* Bes is the dwarf god of unyielding go on a journey
* Sobek is the god of crocodiles.
* Aten is the "king" of the gods