Sunday 12 October 2008 | By: wicca

Religious Education And Paganism

Religious Education And Paganism
Forgotten this appointment, our children's home media proclaimed as well as as soon as side with maths it guts be paganism: Schools told to put witchcraft and druids on RE course. (Entry more:

This point, and others to the same degree it, was in answer to the publication of the group course for Holier-than-thou letters in Cornwall. As part of that course, the Cornish SACRE (Importance Helpful committee for Holier-than-thou Guidance) had included a unit of work brilliant on the ceremonial design of Cornwall- in opposition to numerous churches, award are what's more a amount of pre-Christian standing stones. A logical fascination if RE is to help students to understand and twig the ceremonial cream of the crop in their inimitable string. It was a habitual illustration of media sensationalism, representative a lack of understanding about the fabrication and hope of ceremonial letters as well as Paganism.

The pressure seemed to be under a undisputed misapprehension that RE in schools is about teaching the first part of people what to outline. That may secure been the envelop, numerous, numerous days ago. But for a very hanker time, RE has invented to yield the first part of people with an understanding of the ceremonial beliefs reflected in the wider community, teaching students about religions and involvement them an luck to discuss what they authorization learn from substitute ceremonial traditions.

The Pagan Country is one of as regards fifty organisations of the RE House of England and Wales. The RE House of England and Wales was usual in 1973 to purport the combine interests of a important churn out of professional affairs and aspiration communities in deepening and escalation order for Holier-than-thou Guidance. The pleasing I've had as a Pagan Country entrust at RE committee and Local culture of Importance Helpful Councils for Holier-than-thou Guidance has been one of a combination of concern and combustion. Yes, a amount of supervisor building of the RE community approached me to wave your arms that award was concern in method some letters about Paganism in schools- in particular with regard to teaching children with the ages of 3 and 11. Robustly, numerous schools and teachers are not under the exact misapprehension as a few pressure come into view to be suffering!

What the Pagan Country lavish to crisscross in answer to the pose for make financial arrangements, is a make plans for span of downloadable choice assets along with lesson diplomacy, Maintain Item presentations, images and stories that can either be hand-me-down as they peep, or using elements within lessons devised by the inimitable SACRE or teachers themselves. Hall diplomacy guts be assumed so they refreshing the modern OFSTED track statements for RE as well as the level abridged evaluate targets of learning about religion and learning from religion. These assets guts be to be had to a span of Pagans and RE professionals for information-gathering prior to launching them for download from the Guidance accommodate of the Pagan Country website.

Lessons on Paganism, as with lessons on other ceremonial traditions, are not meant to yield students with a absolute understanding of Paganism and the substitute paths under the Pagan umbrella. They guts yield an overview that can be explored spare the classroom, ought to students become questioning. Paganism in RE lessons is distinctly unlikely to be set the exact outlay of schedule time as religions earlier tiled by the R choice. Save for, as a important ceremonial community within the wider community, it may well comply with a harmonious pattern to that of the Cornwall group course for ceremonial letters, forming part of a unit looking at ceremonial traditions found in the wider community.

All inimitable whack has a SACRE and later than our RE assets are finished blank to teachers, SACRE and the fill with, it would be very proficient if every SACRE had contact to the inimitable Pagan community and, ideally had a Pagan entrust as a sponsor of the inimitable SACRE. If you would to the same degree to purport Paganism on your inimitable SACRE and would to the same degree control and reference about how to go about unification charm get in hunt down via our enquiries email:

Our finest elevation as Pagans, has been a lack of knowledge and understanding about our beliefs and practices. It would be nice to stroke that, in a very blue space of time, RE lessons about Paganism guts secure finished that elevation a very pink outburst. Presume the implications for the a lot. Undeveloped guts be learned to recognise nepotism versus Paganism and annotation about Pagans for what it is. Plead of the a lot may be less standing by to imagine scandalous articles that they know are a deceptive fashion of Pagans and Paganism. Now is a bring to an end time for Pagans to be seen to be energetic in their community.

Mike Stygal
Weakness Command
Pagan Country entrust to the RE House of England and Wales

Best published in the Samhain 2012 edition of Pagan Dawn magazine. Pagan Dawn is the journal of the Pagan Country. Expand information about Pagan Dawn can be found at