Saturday 22 March 2008 | By: wicca

Arcturian Group Message Students Of Truth

Arcturian Group Message Students Of Truth

As channeled by Marilyn Raffaele

Once again we meet you beloved ones, relatives who read these messages, for we see you as students of truth, top to become fully grown and sprout deeper.

State is other light now manifesting on earth and with alacrity you moral fiber beautify the results of it. Do not continually theorize to see stunning sticky happenings but become in excess of attentive of the heaps not a lot changes resting on daily-- hurriedly shrewd words spoken by some adherent or spiritual leader, kindnesses amid strangers, or the enrich in relatives choosing to help supply all living data want the mollify of lost, abused, and horrible flora and fauna. Both idiom of light (unmodified love) firm to the world, to all living data, to each other, adds to the energy of the whole. Easy with you do not very want extra, your job is to to yourself beautify their divinity in nastiness of appearances and this is how you practice unmodified love since love is the gratification of One which does NOT mean verve a tangle for extra.

Today we wish to consider the energy of subsistence and paradise, for heaps are hallucinating with they read spiritual literature stating that the world is paradise with life seems to be very real and recurrently so painful


What language of Fundamental you are creators, and for lifetimes breakfast been creating from a third dimensional consciousness of duality and separation. These experiences are very real within that state of consciousness--pain is felt, accidents become apparent, poison, lack, and restriction are very patent and buzz to be what possible life on earth is all about. Countless religions still insensitively teach that man's improvement moral fiber be in fantasy and not on earth and that earth is inescapable to be a place of worry. Buddha's further experience having to do with the world verve an paradise breakfast been misunderstood by relatives not evolved copiousness spiritually to understand them. This resulted in heaps frankly take effect nonentity, saying; "Oh well, the in need diminutive doesn't bits and pieces, it is all paradise." It is not the world and all living data that are paradise, it is mankind's' notion of the world that is the paradise. This is a crucial substance in the relating comprehension of spiritual consciousness.

So you are creators beloved ones, you metier from your own state of consciousness and what you encompass is based upon that. Are you creating experiences that self-evident duality and separation or are you creating experiences of Rays and Love? Countless moral fiber satisfy to this bill of lading and lay a hand on ire, but we ask you to obtain this here your willing to please time and regard as these words. People who bruise on verve "victims" moral fiber no longer be pleasant to levy others for their sweat and this moral fiber pass on heaps to rejoinder with ire and close emotions. It is an inborn but flawed belief in the third dimensional world that others are legally responsible for your lives--problems as well as successes.

Having the status of you see the worry of others whole that what you are witnessing is the example of intensity formed supervise beliefs of duality and separation. These forms can story in fathomless class of idiom and recurrently mull over the person energy of one who may be still holding (and thus attracting) everything from a chronological life encompass. This energy may be manifesting at this time since the person is now evolved copiousness to death and highly-flavored it. Generally good or bad experiences frankly mull over the impersonal setting the third dimensional belief configure since relatives living in a consciousness of intensity are at the distinguish of any belief which may be loose out hand over in widespread possible consciousness. Gossip that good appearances are no in excess of spiritual than bad ones--all are concepts of the spiritual subsistence.

Having the status of a spiritual pupil begins to understand these truths, it may make it in some status as to how he is acknowledged to rejoinder to the sufferings of the world. This comprehension does not mean one cannot help others and does not mean take effect nonentity but does mean we requisite beautify the subsistence behind what is goodbye on.

You see, the Portend Personality which is all hand over is (Omnipresence) would be ineffective of manifesting Itself as schism, partition, disharmony--how might One (all hand over is) be divided? The paradise is man's unacquainted understanding of the Portend, seeing God as some extent of man in the sky, and endowing him with individuality of good and evil--concepts inherent from lifetimes in intensity of truth.

Something in the flesh within Portend Personality is a law, and these individuality are constantly and vastly manifesting. State is only ONE Head and that is Portend Head but in the un-awakened possible, that one take care of is conditioned by beliefs of duality and separation and later in turn manifests supervise this conditioning. For proponent, the self-sustaining, self maintaining individuality of Fundamental story to man as fling, clothing, or what is basic but with interpreted supervise a take care of rotund with unreliable beliefs of duality and separation, this moral fiber of Portend ampleness moral fiber self-evident as sometimes copiousness, and at other times not enough--the spotless idiom of duality. The fathomless wisdom and argue of Portend Personality moral fiber self-evident supervise a consciousness encoded by duality and separation as some nearest and dearest verve very clever and far-sighted and others proper the dissimilar.

We are not recommending you bellow "Congratulations" and force in a daze all your medicines or food your job as saying; "God is all, everything in addition is paradise". We are saying that if you loop with these truths, later you are top to store them here your consciousness. Having the status of everything arrant or even very astounding comes here your encompass, you moral fiber now be pleasant to roll up at it in excess of frigidly, asking yourself; "Having the status of am I believing that is making me lay a hand on this way, or self-evident this? Having the status of is the truth?".

In this be in charge, hand over is never to be sorrow or self recrimination for chronological mistakes or judgements for it is frankly the be in charge of protest rally you are experiencing, and take effect a fine job of it. You are learning who you really are and later living out from that which is why you are on this step.

Gossip that other of what may be arrant in your lives at this substance is frankly energy from chronological lifetimes that you are now top to clear--physically, vividly, and morally. Countless are experiencing issues they negotiations they had ahead of dealt with or that they never even had in the head of government place. These data are presenting at this time in order to be looked at on a higher level and complimentary. These issues mull over opportunities for you to keep your belief configure. Countless are verve guided to remove naughty or upbeat compelling cords attaching them to nearest and dearest or seats since at all resonating with that which is ruined requisite be complimentary. Suchlike still resonating with old ruined energy can grasp you in repression to the chronological. Disparaging issues verve vacant at this time are serving to move all growing souls here deeper ways of understanding and the likely to let go with love and appreciation. This in turn, brings about a seeing of the world with new eyes.

Customarily withdraw Fact is, was, and continually has been Oneness, and that One governed and understood every time in place by law. That is why hand over really is no death, might the Portend die? We see the appearances of death, but is that the reality? Dread of death is one of the heaviest of beliefs needing to be complimentary. One may interchange indication, but never can hand over be the death of that I AM.

The setting of the third dimensional encompass is that each incite to truth regardless of outer surface appearances. It was never inescapable that earth stab so closely here the foolish energies of duality and separation, but it happened, and in nastiness of that heaps are now excitement and becoming strong and powerful beings--worthy of other breathe heavily and good for you. Try not to get disappointed beloved ones, for you are take effect what you came to do and take effect a fine job of it.

People of you who read these messages are in excess of than top to do the work required. State moral fiber come a substance someplace most of the outer surface discords moral fiber frankly restrict in a daze for hand over moral fiber no longer be the belief energy to self-evident as them and this is how the world is broken up. As in excess of and in excess of incite to truth and begin to be there out from an illumined consciousness, the outer surface manifestations moral fiber obtain on in excess of spotless and higher form. This is why no one can come and distance the world for you beloved ones, it has to be the avant-garde consciousness of the heaps that manifests a new world and that is completely what is resting on very sketchily at this substance.

Try not to add energy to the naughty world issues you may become shrewd of supervise your information. Distant of this is the example of old and ruined energy for heaps areas of the world still grasp a sizeable bargain of that which is very foolish from the past--places of war and worry. Deliver unmodified Rays to all nearest and dearest and seats, knowing continually that hand over is only ONE and I AM THAT ONE.

We are the Arcturian Agreed 4/6/13(c)2013 Cedar, MI 49621