Sunday, 6 November 2011
THEME: NONEWORDS: 72BLOCKS: 34 WOW~! Two Triple-stacks of Network Spanners top and nitty-gritty makes for one upsetting alarm subsequently you're starting out, but the follow-on seven 4's, four 5's and two 6's made for a solvable, rather unique-looking disposable. Bruce and Stella tolerate repellent for firm Saturday bears, with one from Apr. 2009, with EIGHT spanners, and a follow-on 115 clarification - but not later than my time.Forwards ~!ACROSS:1. Sudden production : Spot Box - I get 1100 packages every day, and "NOT A Bit" of them is a stagger - oh pass by, I work at UPS....16. War cool that became a Gary Cooper record : A Farewell TO Armaments17. Cypress and others : CONIFEROUS Plants - if it has grass, it's deciduous, and a vigorously wood; if it has needles, it's a softwood, and coniferous - a good close of thumb that I rectangle bookish in Glance class.18. '03 retirees : SSTS - Super-Sonic Transports, in the same way as the Concorde, which I never had the spread to fly on - but living East of JFK life-threatening, we may possibly see one shiver overhead on its way to Europe on a dawn or two....19. Get regulate to dry : Cleanse - as in hair20. Pane shopper's buy? : Period - good misdirection - we're not dialect shoes roughly, rectangle the chew of pane FOR a glass21. Nabisco categorize : OREO - this made me beam - it gave me my decently Saturday "pattern" alarm a few weeks ago23. Fountain pen up? : Appearance - ah, gratifying, I do in the same way as these 'punny' type clue/answers25. Gem : Building material28. The Oscars, e.g. : Society - I knew "Badge" was the corrupt word, but it made my zenith lane challenge Under in the same way as a pane of milk in a hurricane....see 3D32. Radiate of a encourage : HIP - "Hip-hip, Hooray~!"33. Numismatist's cut : Mountain SET - coin accumulator, and their irreplaceable find39. It has collars and stays : LAW - I had "TEE", as in shirt, even yet dress shirt was a gap fit; Collars as in arrests, and Stays as in executions....40. Bar become aware of : EAR - Went with "RIM", but a quick spear to EAR41. Water supply of various not much animals : ORIGAMI - when MENAGERIE didn't fit42. Confident bling : ICE - in the same way as 25A, diamonds are referred to in spiel as "ice"; - repellent with 40A, you get ( rectangle "glass shopping" )43. "ERA44. Fix the limits of : Restrain - Huh - I fault had "RE arrest" to start, but reading my OWN blog I see that the moderate word is DE arrest45. Cinnabar, vis-`a-vis mercury : ORE - humorous, a good friend of probability rectangle hand-me-down "vis-`a-vis" on the label yesterday, and I was rationally looking for a synonym even if we were dialect....46. Western option at 6,200 feet : TAHOE - I tried ASPEN to start48. Suspensefully in custody in : BATED, in the same way as one's current50. Phil, for one : NLER - I was not on a baseball wavelength roughly, until I had "for inevitable - along with I realized we were dialect the Phillies, and I am inevitable C.C. has supplementary....53. Annual member of staff review journalist : Like - I so approve of to put Administrator in for this, but knew it was not heading55. AMA and ADA : ORGS - when ASSN was not plural58. Chemist for whom a cylinder is named : DEWAR - this "W" was the on its last legs to fall, as I tolerate never heard of 59D60. Uses up one's account, and along with some : GABS64. Dissident's ask : Political Asylum67. Tons to do : A LOT ON ONE'S Facade68. Bellicose supremacy : Alight Argument - Guarantee was one memorandum too variousDOWN:1. Pollen is bent in them : SACS2. Sci-fi vehicles : UFOS3. Innumerable a Lewis Black bit : Babble on - roughly you go - (3:08) Dialect4. Interval site : Poke - modern beckon for you~!5. Whistling zebra? : REF - Got it, and beloved it~! Mechanism for hockey officials, too, tho they come with tawny arm bands - watched eddyB's Sharks take one from the Devils roughly in the shoot-out - some noble goals put forward, and perfectly a learning incident for this dabbler goalie.6. "If "a Butterfly": Imogen Load with beckon : "I WERE" - WAG, but a good enough one7. Quaint intro? : SERIO - Did not know; so roughly we go8. Carolina assistant professor : ELON9. Expensive : Amusing10. In a fog : AT SEA - tried "Bleary" at zenith11. Manifest place to rest : COT - BED, too, not as simple as COT - almost certainly MAT?12. Chess conqueror behindhand Fischer : KARPOV - This guy13. "51 : Division - This group, and I tolerate allied this one not later than14. New name of the radio catch "Sound Busters" : G-MEN - I am leave-taking to inference a radio catch from some of our regular's childhoods, but without doubt not from probability15. Brutus's being : ESSE - Latin, "To Be"22. Addition one's home's help, in a way : Expand - God, I may possibly use supplementary staff acquit yourself this heading now....24. McCartney beckon poetic by a dream : LET IT BE - I love to read about the reflection and arise of detached songs, and artists in the same way as the Beatles get a lot of ink as to their craft; for cut, Paul had Matted Eggs for a working term to his beckon "Yesterday"25. Burning aid : Tarp26. Bride's have fun : Tiara27. Appear acclaimed by her zenith name : OPRAH29. Al's challenger : ELIOT - Ah, Al Capone, and Eliot Ness, ban ERA30. Fixed case lining : NACRE31. Robust cloth : TWEED - ooh~! a good WAG roughly34. Shape : IRE35. Not a whit : NIL36. "Friday's : TGI - as in the restaurant succession with the red and white stripes37. Filmmaker Peckinpah : SAM38. Video recording solid : EMI47. Counterpart some inspections : ON-SITE - and sanguinely in rectangle a few months, I energy be preforming these inspections49. Knitter's criterion : ARGYLE - and a shout-out to Santa, our Monday/Tuesday man~!51. Minneapolis commune : EDINA52. Behind-the-lines job : RECON-naissance, as in challenger resentment....53. Reacted to bad information, almost certainly : PALED54. Need : Expurgate55. Glistening swimmer : OPAH - OPRAH and OPAH in the fantastically disposable56. Caramel-in-chocolate celebrity : ROLO57. Entrap (onto) : GLOM - this was my mom's word for burning up too fast59. "Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo" stay : Pole - I am a Hassle Potter fan; did not know this was from Cinderella61. Cloud conductor Menken with eight Oscars : ALAN62. Protests : BUTS63. Hook's heading hand : SMEE - noble misdirection roughly, with a insinuation to one's zenith buddy or gal Friday - one's partner in crime65. "My mama "me..." : TOL' - I return Bugs Bunny singing part this in the drum, in my background - no, it was this clip @ :5266. Word-process on the coast : SPF - I had SOS to start, and along with S F, which had me perplexed for a yearning time - I force Sun Insurance Boundary 100 for my pale English outside....Result disposable.SplynterQuotation from C.C.:eddyB sent me this picture. He said he took it about 1975 out of order San Mateo Slide. He fault it was rectangle a noble wave formation. But there's "Indian Original" on the used up tier. Can you see it? I rectangle can't. I turned the photo upside down roughly. Tranquil can't see it.