By Vincent Bridges (02/20/03) id=45
Crack Three - Weishaupt's Illuminated Divinity
We organize progressed from the prophecies of Nostradamus to the astrology of a synthomorphic divinity set off, excitement and death, and yet we organize occupied specific the first few halting steps concerning the burrow of synchronicity and crankiness on all sides of the space shuttle flop.
Sensing upper wonders set to be found in the deathly deaths of seven of the planet's brightest minds, let us arm ourselves with the irrational and plunge swiftly on the way to the beast at the epicenter of the muddle.
Mr. Prellwitz' support of his combat with the goddess Columbia
concludes with a climactic drive between the goddess and
Chief Weishaupt in which Weishaupt is flowing from mysterious lizard-like beings who are distinct him. In this one metaphor, we predict the true luminosity of Prellwitz' revelation. In the realm of the united pointless, any
symbolism with slurp is fair game.
The introduction of Adam Weishaupt, founder of the Bavarian Illuminati, takes us physically something else place of the muddle, and peculiar as it may perfect, we can now begin to top a larger colors. Curt, the bare facts of
history, the esotericism of the organization fathers, the creation of a incredible goddess acknowledged with the new republic, the be there for lavished on the creation of the statue on the Capitol Ground, and the concern synchronicities voguish the space shuttle Columbia's ransack outflow,
loose their doughtiness and became uneven wisps of mysterioso fog marking the vent of the illuminati elves as they dilemma and re-arrange
proof for their entertainment, and our terror.
And so, ever assiduous for the infer of the elves and the stark well-cooked metal spiciness of mystery on the float, let us go even deeper concerning the burrow...
Most likely the record odd part of the creation of the goddess Columbia is the without delay and fiery unite of the essence with
George Washington. Phyllis Wheatley wrote her poem being Washington was set a simple member of the Continental House from Virginia. Washington even if was a Master Mason of the Alexandria 22 enter, chartered as a
Scottish Tune-up, Disorder Bend Summit in the tradition of the French lodges founded by the Chevalier Ramsey. This branch can specific be called
"illuminationist," that is expressing a memory to or back with Rosicrucian or Illuminati philosophy. Its practices and initiations,
morally, would be enhanced depressed the barricade of what today would be called decorous magick. Washington would organize felt right at home in a Sound Period of the Fair-haired Morning Summit circa 1900.
This Illuminationist memory brings us to the earlier Adam
Weishaupt and the Bavarian Illuminati. Weishaupt, a tutor of decree law at the Academy of Ingolstadt and a failed Jesuit, had an
wispy ended the night of February 1st/2nd 1776. This aspect of
achievement led to the organization, on the 1st of May 1776, of the Period of the Illuminati, a secret ethnicity within the secret ethnicity of Masonic Commands. By 1785, following they were ready by the route of Bavaria for intrigues the
overthrow of all the crowned heads of Europe, starting with the
Hapsburgs, they had infiltrated Masonic groups in a dozen countries, including France, Britain and the baby bird Associated States of America. No one knows in any case what happened to either Weishaupt or the Illuminati behind schedule that.
This of course is a very good thing for the plan theorists. Advance total trash has been in black and white about the Illuminati than any other such secret ethnicity. Which is a rebuke, in the same way as its real history is equally magnificent loads. An reasonable phrase at the store we do
organize from Weishaupt and his guy travellers reveals something equally opposing from what record of the Illuminuts organize been prattling about.
From Weishaupt's adolescent writings, we find an glittery acquaintance of the pagan mysteries, principally make somewhere your home of Eleusius and the Kabiroi of Argos and Samothrace, as well as education with the theories of Pythagoras.
We even organize a present for a secret ethnicity based on make somewhere your home pagan mystery schools done by Weishaupt being a learner at Ingoldstadt. While
graduating and a rapid transfer in the Friendship of Jesus, Weishaupt found his way in 1774 to a neo-Templar Masonic Conceal in Hanover. Because not in addition impressed by the quality of the vibe at the shut enter, its superiors in a while agreed Brother Adam on to the Front of the Period, one Johann Augustus Starck.
Starck was a key quotation in the neo-Templar rise of the mid 18th
century. His trade included such national data as Gustav III of
Sweden and Frederick the Outsized of Prussia. Under his request, Frederick of Prussia founded not the same occult societies in the behind schedule 1760s. One of them, The Knights of Light, skillful magick and alchemy, and hand-me-down the smudge name Illuminati for an skilled. Something like the time Phyllis Wheatley addressed her poem to George Washington, Weishaupt met Starck and was initiated concerning his human being blend of neo-Templar illuminism.
Hilarious in the same way as Starck claimed to organize met, and been initiated and instructed by, a group of Catharist Templars existing in southern
France. From them Starck well-educated that the just starting out Templars inveterate their occult wisdom from an secret ethnicity of Essenes in Jerusalem who were in fact identical with the Cathars of southern France. Starck's Cathars even if were a pagan goddess-worshiping cult, who hated the Roman
Cathedral in the same way as it stole the true personality of Christ, assumed by them to be St.
John. It was this magickal blend concerning which Weishaupt was plunged by his initiation, and to his savings account, he seems to organize risen to the meeting.
His wispy on the night of 1st/2nd February 1776, the ancient
pagan public holiday of Imbolc, is our first show the way. To hold it, Weishaupt founded his order, called unaided the Period of the Perfectibilists as nod to his Catharist sources, on the 1st of May, Beltane in the pagan calendar. And to make the affair even enhanced patent, the holiest day of
all in the Illuminati order is The Feast of St. John on June 23rd/24th, mid-summer night's eve in the northern latitudes and marking something else pagan public holiday, that of the summer solstice.
Quirkily loads, due to the calendar transform in the mid 18th century that addition 11 days, what in the Old Sort was June 24th is now in the New Sort July 4th. Since the Pronouncement of Adult years was not signed or ratified or at all else but passed as a present on July 4th, we might disclosure at how it became Adult years Day. The enhanced likely choices add together Pompous 2nd, following the signings began, or July 2nd following Adult years was actually selected upon, or even January 17th following the document was presented, wrecked and signed, for passing by the House.
This has led some plan theorists to wail July 4th Illuminati Day,
and some organize even gone so far as to hang on that Weishaupt immigrated to America and done in Washington being he was working out back of Mt.
Vernon on his hush-hush hemp bed and took his place, minor in
Weishaupt as our first lead. Willful to say this is one of the enhanced unique fantasies generated physically the Illuminated, but it does, in a mythic top, organize the ring of truth.
July 23rd/24th 1776 was the first nation address of the just starting out five members of the Period of the Illuminati. On the New Sort daylight hours of July 4th, 1776, the Continental House passed the present of a stiffness
on Adult years in black and white by a committee of five, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Roger Sherman and Robert B. Livingston. All five were Masons, and three, Franklin, Jefferson and Adams, had gloomy unashamed and hush-hush connections with the illuminist surprise of the day. To complete the synchronicities, the wrecked and signed Pronouncement of Adult years was submitted to the House for passing on January
17th, 1777, and two of the five, Jefferson and Adams, died on the especially day, July 4th, frankly 50 being subsequently.
Washington was as well conscientiously be over with, and perhaps equally kind to, the basic concepts of Illuminism as preached in the
Masonic Lodges of the day. Alexandria 22, Washington's home enter, was partner in crime with not the same German Illuminist lodges, including the neo-Templars of Johann Starck. It's French connections led by Lafayette and the Comte de Mirabeau, every one exalted Illuminists, back to the Templarisms of the Scottish Chevalier Ramsey. On the contrary we can't say for in no doubt - the documentation are pending - Washington's mark your ballot to Master Mason position in Alexandria 22 may organize reflected this new Illuminist attempt of business.
But even enhanced than Washington, it is Thomas Jefferson, the main shout gone the Pronouncement of Adult years, who connects Illuminism, and pagan goddess put on a pedestal, with the beginning steps on the way to the creation of the goddess Columbia. The Federalists previous to the mark your ballot of 1800 equally exactly acknowledged Jefferson an Illuminati sympathizer, if not
stooge. Their specifics was fragile, and perhaps gratuitous in any protect as the anti-Illuminati martial did not able-bodied understand the Illuminist stand, but Jefferson, depressed with Franklin and Washington, did really organize such connections and inclinations.
Jefferson was as well companionable with Phillip Freneau, who popularised the idea of Columbia as the Divinity of Make available in the 1780s and 1790s. And Jefferson was instrumental in having the US Capitol company predestined as the Roman Parthenon, complete of course with a goddess on the dome. The goddess Minerva, in a form very power point to that of Columbia, appears on the handy of the Academy of Virginia, predestined by Jefferson. The Outsized Hall of the Jefferson School assembly at the Annals of House, which houses Jefferson's books, is a tiny tribute to the goddess.
If contemporary is one piece of art in all of Washington that calculation up the basic illuminist idea gone the goddess Columbia and her position in America, it is in the top of the dome of the U.S. Capitol; a wall painting entitled
"The Apotheosis of George Washington," dyed by Constantino Brumidi
in 1865 in a while behind schedule the dome was wrecked. The middle classify in the utmost part of the dome depicts Washington being occupied up to heaven, done by Italian entertainer Brumidi in a comprise ardently deep of paintings of the Assumptions of Jesus or Mary Brumidi had beforehand dyed in the Vatican. In this protect, it is not angels of God who see to it that Washington in his hypothesize, but the female data of Break and
Subjugation. Give or take a few these three data are 13 female data meaningful the just starting out 13 states. Something like the edge of the dome are dyed 6 groups of data meaningful war, firm, seafaring, farming, science, and
workings. Included in these groups of data are the gods Mercury, Neptune, Ceres, Minerva, and Vulcan.
Statement from the patent paganisms, contemporary are two fascinating illuminati clues within. The first is Subjugation, the Samothracian mother goddess of the Kabiroi, who frequently shows up quantity Columbia. Weishaupt and Starck whispered her to be the just starting out Father Divinity on which all the pagan mysteries were based. The twinkle is that precise promise of
data. If we aim the six data of the outer rim and prosper by
the 13 data on the twinkle rim, we get 78. And the papers seized by the Bavarian route in 1785 was an alphabetic curriculum based on three era
26, or 78. This is as well the concern of cards in a Tarot deck, leading this type of curriculum to be called the Tarot Cryptogram.
This is not to say that the Associated States of America is an illuminati scheme, and by no direction am I saying that the Illuminati control any part of the US route. But it is a fact that the Enterprise Fathers had such inclinations and that by some means make somewhere your home aspirations were transmitted by the being concerning many of nation Washington's paramount works of ceremonial art. Trade name it an involuntary plan if you mean, a synchronicity born of taciturn inclinations and understandings voguish the meaning of
"America" as the New Concept for the New Age.
Weishaupt's view of a buff up ethnicity is very taciturn in many greetings to Adams, Jefferson and Washington's view of America. Weishaupt foresaw a utopian world disclose where asset, maharishi and jingoism had
been abolished. In this pre-Eden natural disclose, mankind would gum in the brotherhood of man, based on free love, silence, spiritual wisdom and consistency of classes and sexes. At the spiritual obsession of this ethnicity was the enormous goddess of Make available and Task. One of Weishaupt's French cronies, the Comte de Mirabeau, would oversee trendy the modify
in Paris ended the enthronement of a new Divinity of Task in Notre Dame de Paris, a short time ago renamed the Summit of Task.
And so, Weishaupt's lessons and request seems to organize had a elevated effect on the creation of the goddess Columbia, and the widespread iconography of the essence of America. In the without delay
post-revolutionary era, this is not awesome supreme the many and
well-documented connections and sympathies between the Enterprise Fathers and the illuminist surprise. Having the status of is awesome is that these lessons and practices continued complete by the 19th century. Crawford's just starting out design for the Capitol had Columbia draining a Phyrigian cap, the symbol of illuminated position conferred in the adeptus chief smudge of every one
Starck's neo-Templars and Weishaupt's Perfectibilists. And someone
worked out very observantly the astrology of the monument's creation on the Capitol Ground back in 1863.
Wouldn't that especially self, or group of initiates, organize as well worked out the future astrology of Columbia? Did they see the flash of excitement on the fall equinox of 2002? And even enhanced celebrated, did they see the flash of disturb on January 23rd 2003?
Most likely they did, in the same way as contemporary is one odd show the way that takes us attentively concerning the concern synchronicities of the illuminati elves themselves. The statue of Columbia was first displayed to the ceremonial on the Capitol cause on October 23, 1862. Further together, 10 + 23 = 33, and 1 + 8 + 6 + 2 = 17.
Now, 17 is a very odd concern, as we request get to in a
flash. But first, the mystery of 23... skidoo...