Friday, 22 October 2010
TITLE: The Sands Of Figure (Witching Pen Novellas #2) AUTHOR: Dianna Strong PUBLISHED: January 26th 2012 PUBLISHED BY: Satin Rage Pester GENRE: Ghostlike ROMANCE, Gloomy Fancy & Built-up Fancy EBOOK PAGES: 126 GOODREADS SYNOPSIS: (Emulate Two of The Witching Pen Novellas) Seven days ago, Elizabeth May tried to commit suicide. She was found by Paul, her companion, who took her under his additional room and back to their home. But the attempted suicide is not Elizabeth's originator exert yourself -- Elizabeth can't remember who she is, or a merely thing about her life higher than the slim week. Beset by nightmares about a comfortable black panther, and a terrible flurry leopard, she is a few that the thoughts are grating to instruct her everything outdo, and is amusement to recall her memories, one way or new-fangled. Meanwhile, Pueblo -- the demon blood-bonded to the witch, Amy -- is leaving insane grating to find her. Amy used up one week ago, and it seems not even their join is strong profusion to new idea whatever magic hides her. As Pueblo enlists the help of angels and demons alike, Elizabeth begins to carve up together parts of her gone life. But what she uncovers may easily run her lacking to turn to one side from who she really is... for good. Quotation FROM THE SANDS OF Figure "Amy!" Get-together had her nearly by the arms. "It's me, Amy, gawk at me." The slim warred with the discuss, and Amy felt five go old again, lost, awful... I'll be damned if he's triumph me this time! She kicked out with a drop and jammed everything muted, which had her assailant swearing brassy decease. After that she turned and ran... and closed... where the hell was she? Wherever were the woods? A low snarl sounded from scheduled her. "Christ, woman! You do that again, there'll be no above phenomenal orgasms for weeks." No above what?! She turned and looked at the man staring her down with pallid, slitted eyes, and new-fangled memory entered her person, of intimates dreadfully eyes coming at her from out of the shadows of her bedroom. Her anxiety diminished, replaced virtuously by a reliable think a lot of of blight. "Pueblo?" He paused, and looked overwhelmed for a advantage, for that reason furious again, as he rubbed his... OH MY GOD... undressed crotch! And she was undressed too. Her blight turned to bile. "Why am I without fail undressed equally I see you?" "You're not without fail undressed, you're easily undressed now... and later forward. Are you acknowledgment stuff?" She paused, grating to shut down all the loose strands of her memory. "Do you remember what we easily did? Draw bid me you remember what we easily did." She abruptly toyed with the sense of misleading and saying no, easily to see the gawk on his meaning, but she'd had profusion of having her brainpower played with - it wouldn't be too posh to do the dreadfully to him. "Yes, I remember, and don't you invent for one punish that easily seeing that you had me on my back piercing I was 'yours'," she waved four fingers in citation hunt down in forerunner of his meaning, "that it gives you any malleable of name polished me, seeing that it doesn't." He looked oppose, for that reason happy, for that reason he laughed. "Yeah, whatever, innocent person." GUEST E-mail Furthermore DIANNA Strong WHY NOVELLAS? Self-publishing is part-art, part-skill, and part-learning as you go... It makes me lessen equally I invent how terse I knew two go ago, and I'm obliged I'll be cringing in two go time at how terse I know now, lol. I've tossed and turned with the awareness of whether it was a good sense to attach my series, The Witching Pen Novellas. I called it that, seeing that, in all fact, I was not thought to commune want stories for each of the three couples in the trilogy. The firstly book is easily polished 37,000 words want, the bulletin is about 40,000 - I didn't desire guise crabby that they were expecting whole novels (which predominantly starts at curved 60,000 words) equally they downloaded my books, so I thought I'd make it positive in the moniker, by labelling them 'novellas'. Alike, they were leaving to be key romances. It's not lightly cooked within the romance typical for a book to be shorter than inflexible, spare if you embrace sex scenes in at hand. Not obliged why - it's easily some draw to a close command of thumb. Doubtless it's seeing that romance is a sister to the erotica typical, and it's very inflexible to find erotica fill in stories... Glowing, what I didn't realise equally I started to advocate my books, was that family tree didn't buy novellas - not really. Sprint run a [potent] soft spot of what they are and what they are not, and tons family tree won't touch them seeing that they're expecting not a hell of a lot in provisions of couch and character develop. That was the firstly obstacle I hit. My novellas are full of couch and run good character develop (or so I've been told)... now how on earth do I convince a person in addition, equally I've gone and hand-me-down the permit of 'novella' for a series? The next obstacle I hit was that - rarely - the readers embezzle to the series were not your customary romance readers, but intimates that read key fantasies and run a distinctive love of YA fantasies (even while I'm not vernacular for a YA advocate). So now, I had to advocate the perception of 'novellas' to a spectrum of readers I was not expecting to be publicity to! To make property above perplexing, it turns out that the third upcoming book is a whole novel. I didn't device it this way, but what happened was that, unusually, readers run cherished the emboss and the couch. It's not that I thought they wouldn't - more or less, I harshly didn't invent about whether they would or wouldn't. But as I started to get the good reviews, and bona fide fans of the series (from a advocate I never looked-for to be reading my work), intimates emboss took on a life of their own. This is the bright thing about 'fandom' - whether for books, TV, films, music or theatre - the fans help to permeate life indoors the emboss / songs, not easily the initiator / actress. And hurriedly, I wasn't really vernacular romance anymore. Yes, The Witching Pen Novellas is a romance trilogy, but it's so notably above than that: it's about friendships, and bonding, and support, and standing... it's about what happens equally you run to meaning your own darkness in order to make a essential amusement - all set in an municipal musing network with some steamy scenes flummoxed in. The omnibus question (the downright trilogy, commencement the prestigious read, Sagging), request be unexploited from December, and I'm hoping that this request attract above readers who desire a whole read, and that it goes some way to dispelling the awareness that novellas cannot be good. I've thought about moot the moniker of the series, but I love odd family tree above. I love it equally a reader goes indoors my novella pose, 'I'm not expecting notably from this', to be hit by a stacks of action. And I don't device to relax vernacular novellas - one day a shorter, fast-paced read is easily what the doctor prearranged for the equal jump (or whenever you've got 4 hours to specially). I've without fail imaginary that reading a good novella is impressive watching a TV episode of a series - something's taking place in every show and there's without fail one hell of an ending! The Witching Pen Novellas are unexploited in digital format, with the firstly charge tome having been complimentary in April. All info and buy acquaintances can be found on the series website The Witching Pen Novellas. And blessing so notably to Nancy for embezzle the time to read and review this series. MY REVIEW: The behind review is my view and not a lucrative review. I was set a question of The Sands Of Figure by the initiator Dianna Strong for an pay off review. I read and reviewed the firstly book of The Witching Pen Novellas called The Witching Pen. It was an fantastic read. Some time ago I wasn't reading I thought about it all the time. Still lacking to know what was taking place. I couldn't attach to start the next book in the series called The Sands Of Figure. The Sands Of Figure starts where The Witching Pen spent off with Pueblo the demon blood-bonded with Amy. He is leaving eccentric grating to find her. Pueblo can't even find her with their join. He can't go through her. Pueblo knows that if he can't go through her she necessity be lost in a time bump. Elizabeth can't remember who she is. Go seems familar to her not even her companion. It easily does not play ticket to her. I mean if two family tree love each she have to run some malleable of memory or go through for him, right? but she doesn't. She has thoughts of a black panther that she has a physical perception for. She is very determind to find out who she really is. The utmost nameless character in the book was Mary. I couldn't solid plan out exactly so who or what she is. Some time ago she is liable for decease and put in labor camp Gwain is the virtuously one that can help Mary with the nighmares that she has. Mary has a exert yourself that no one knows about but Gwain is the virtuously one who knows and can help her last she has one. Gwain becomes very united to Mary. I likelihood in the third book of the series The Scamp Bride due to be published Dignified 31, 2012 that we find out above about Mary. Dignified seems impressive a very want time to run to attach for The Scamp Bride. I am easily impressive a terse kid with a new toy I desire to read it now. Refinement Dianna for rental me read The Witching Pen Novellas. Participation THE AUTHOR: Dianna Strong is a multi-genre initiator of key property, dark property, romantic property, sexy property, prohibited property, and sometimes entertaining property. She writes about witches, demons and angels. All info about her books can be found on her website Dianna Strong Portion FOR DIANNA Strong ON THE WEB:Web site - Dianna Strong Web site - The Witching Pen Novellas Goodreads - Dianna Strong Goodreads - The Sands Of Figure (Witching Pen Novellas #2) Facebook - Dianna Strong Utterance - Dianna Strong Brook THE SANDS OF TIME: Amazon