from Catholic Culture
September 29th is the Feast of the Archangels (Gabriel, Michael And do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all the other evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. "Amen."
- St. Michael's feast day is referred to as "Michaelmas" in many countries and traditional foods for this day include waffles and blackberries. Catholic Cuisine has many food suggestions for celebrating Michaelmas. We will hopefully have waffles with blackberries (from my ample frozen stock) for breakfast or maybe "breakfast for dinner."
- Make a devils food cake and place a statue of St. Michael on top and give each child a little cocktail sword to stab the cake to symbolize St. Michael throwing the devil out of Heaven.
- In honor of St. Gabriel, say the Angelus.
- Have the children color Charlotte's coloring pages of the Archangels.
St. Gabriel
St. Michael
St. Raphael
- For dinner make angel hair pasta with sauce
- Use three white candles as the centerpiece on your table, each candle representing one of the Archangels.
- Watch these You Tube videos for each of the archangels. NOTE: These videos have images and writings that are not Catholic teaching, but they are still a neat compilation for each of the archangels St. MichaelSt. Gabriel
St. Raphael