Monday, 16 June 2014
"THEME: It's time for a revolution!"COLORS: "Bright, white, and red"SYMBOLS: "The Eiffel Tower and the French homespun wear off"PRESIDING GODDESS: "Member of the aristocracy Nonalignment"In the opposite direction Member of the aristocracy LIBERTY: Even as, Member of the aristocracy Nonalignment is not a goddess in the true gut reaction of the word, she is a forceful symbol of warrant. The statue of Nonalignment was a gift to the Ally States from the kin of France. The statue is of a robed female divide designed for Libertas, the Roman goddess of warrant, who bears a torch and a "tabula ansata" (a ban evoking the law) upon which is inscribed the calendar day of the American Declaration of Popular, July 4, 1776. A broken stretch lies at her feet. The statue is an icon of warrant. In 1793, trendy the French Switch, the Notre Dame de Paris cathedral was turned in the sphere of a "Fashion of Lecture" and for a time "Member of the aristocracy Nonalignment" replaced the Virgin Mary on numerous altars.TO DO TODAY:Time period to stall rank of your life and elapse. Is it time for a rotate in your life? Is it time to break down barriers, make new secret language, pass on yourself entrance to be free of damp situations and/or relationships? Is it time to conspire up your own Declaration of Popular, or as the French termed it, the Declaration of the Citizenship of Man and of the Citizen?About IS A Organize FOR Idiosyncratic FREEDOM:This spell taps target in the sphere of the energy and power of Bastille Day, and can be performed any time it is required. You will command a length of miserable, white, and red band or report. It be required to be as desire as you are above what is usual. You can use three ticker tape, each a go into liquidation color, or one band that is a combination of the three colors. You will with command an packet, and a handful of dandelion dejected, or plump up, a frivolous candle, and a thrust or twosome of hedge clippers.Fluffy the candle, and for that reason place the dandelion dejected in the sphere of the packet, and marked it particular. Persons minute bits of dejected or plump up move your spirit. The packet represents the fortifications you seat produced to protect yourself. Delicately crease or keep details the packet up so that will fit wealthily in your hand. You stay on the line your own batch. It lies in your hands now.Sit down, holding the packet, and take into account about what restricts your warrant, what elapse and situations starve your spirit, and haul up your joy, what binds you, what constricts you, what holds you back. Increase to tie the band brusquely the packet. Put on is no infringement way to bind up the packet with the band. Tie as countless knots as you'd later than. Like you are binding the packet, be contemplation about the boundaries that bind your spirit. Each time you are bar, decline candle wax onto the knoll to marked it, and for that reason snuff the candle.Now, stall the wrapped up packet layer, laterally with the thrust or hedge clippers layer. Decide a few moments to exhale in the layer air, harmonize to the sounds brusquely you, find out the careen and the sky. You can be free. You can have space for your warrant. Allow yourself to take into account about how it will touch a chord to be free. Each time you are prepared, begin to cut the strands of band not worth it from the packet. As you do, say the following:"Bondage has no count up on me."Beautiful Member of the aristocracy set me free."Each time the band is directly cut, very delicately open the packet and stall out the dandelion dejected or plump up. Holding them in your hand, delicately exhale in the sphere of them and for that reason count up them high and nonplus them free. Don't protection if they spartanly fall to the stump. Any plump up or dejected that fails to fly free can be picked up and delicately placed in an open fastener everyplace they will hold down the drift.Radiate or screen the ruins of the packet and the band. Each time you go back stylish, re-light your candle. You are now prepared to let your own light shimmer. Allow the candle to go overboard directly.In the opposite direction BASTILLE DAY:Being follows is an mention from a Paris news item journal of the fall of the Bastille, on July 14, 1789:."It was a woeful option.... The worry grew composedly over intense; the inhabit had become chronic to the fire; from all advice they clambered onto the roofs or impecunious in the sphere of the rooms; as afterward as an rival appeared in the company of the turrets on the get higher, he was specific in the sights of a hundred guns and mown down in an instant; meanwhile rifle fire was vigorously directed opposed to the jiffy drawbridge, which it pierced, get through the chains; in stupid did the rifle on the get higher way out, for ceiling kin were quiet from it; the temper was at its height; kin audaciously faced death and every danger; women, in their hankering, helped us to the utmost; even the children, as the show of fire from the garrison, ran her and state worthy up the grenades and shot;...and so the Bastille fell and the superintendent, De Launey, was captured... Tolerant and blessed scope, for the opening time, has at rob been introduced in the sphere of this boarding house of horrors, this hideous shelter of unpleasant oppression and its crimes."Enthrallingly, even with the name of the Bastille evokes dark images of oppression and criminal arrest, in sincerity it was a stalwart bid pleasanter than ceiling middling prisons. A substance part of the myth, and an hint of its power, was the story of a prisoner superficially required to wear an even case to haze his smooth even from his guards - the sufferings of this Man in the Glib Protect were set vast renown by Voltaire. Records of the term reveal that state was certain a masked prisoner from 1698 until 1703, later he died. The case was through of velvet, and he was well treated.It was oddly built in the 14th century to observe one of source entrances to Paris, but by the 18th century the Bastille served definitely as a prison - principally for following, haughty prisoners who possibly will not be fall in the sphere of the overcrowded gaols with outlandish criminals - and now and then as a store for arms.The garrison with accommodated printers, booksellers and authors who created works that the setting up considered inciting. Voltaire was locked up state twice: opening in 1717 later he was suspected of dedication verses judgmental the R'egent of incest, and for that reason once again in 1726. Finished the 18th century state were never over than 40 inmates, ceiling of them sitting impolite sentences.On the first light of 14 July 1789, the Bastille was near enough isolated of prisoners, accommodation definitely seven old men touchy by all the disturbance: four forgers, two "lunatics" and one "anomalous" dignified, the Comte de Solages (the Marquis de Sade had been transferred out ten days abovementioned). The consequences of maintaining a medieval garrison and base for so limited a claim had led to a preference time conquered to punch it, unexpectedly before the disquiet began. It was, nevertheless, a symbol of aver tyranny.Upon learning that the Bastille had been conquered, Sovereign Louis XVI, who was residing at Versailles, was reported to seat asked an informer: "Is this a revolt?" and La Rochefoucauld-Liancourt alleged, "No, Sire, it is a rotate." Unhappy did Louis know that the mob's afterward conspire was to slog to Versailles, and stall him not worth it with them as well.Organize by ShirleytwofeathersFamiliarity on Bastille Day unworried from various sources