Tuesday 15 March 2011 | By: wicca

Wicca Moon The Sun

Wicca Moon The Sun
Wicca Moon by Shirlee@Wicca Moon

The Sun card from the Wicca Moon Tarot is a avid thing. Trendy we see a considerably petite sun looking down on a forest landscape. Under a tree, from which hangs a spider, contemporary are two faeries. Each one get up to be male, and team secular fabricate, in link to the tree. They stand on outsize mushrooms that are houses, supposedly for some smaller form of fairy. (?) They intersperse gold incredible dust and wrapped chocolates onto the territory. One of the fairies has a book tucked under his arm, bearing the caption charm on its feather. Bumblebees, butterflies and dragonflies lurch circular. On the territory, a snail looks up, and standing on the inflate by the side of one of the boys is a muskrat or big mouse or some succeed of rodent, standing on its hind legs and looking up at the iridescent altruism the fairies are tumbling. State are thorough mushrooms and floxgloves potential in the sneak, and a spider partnership a web in the midst of the two inflate houses.

It's a weird landscape.

I regard consulted my two best books on Tarot history, Paul Huson's clairvoyant Origin of the Tarot' and Robert Place's 'Tarot: Earlier period, Symbolism and Foresight, and I can't find a quick clarification of why many antiquated tarots create in your mind two children on the Sun card. Bearing in mind cards go in to two aged facts, one male and one female. And of course the nude boy on the foal so homely from RWS, was opening seen in the 17th and 18th century Belgian tarots.

Huson states: greatest budding the picture illustrates the 5th era of the horoscope table, the Maintain of Early and Happiness, astrologically ruled by Leo and the Sun, and as a rule symbolised by children playing' (p. 142).

Schedule adds: undeniable regard not compulsory the facts are the brothers Castor and Pollux, of the Gemini constellation, or the founders of Rome, Romulus and Remus. Although Castor and Pollux had the exceptionally mother, Leda, Castor's onset was living being -- as a result Castor was living being -- while Pollux's onset was Zeus -- as a result Pollux was immortal. In the myth of the founders of Rome we find the exceptionally polarity: Romulus is immortal, Remus is living being. Whether the join are masculine/feminine or mortal/immortal, they represent the combination of opposites. They are personifications of the Sun and Moon being allied. This what alchemists footing the flawless conjunction. It is the unity treat duality that desire allow us to make the leap to the after that trump, Caution (p. 161).

Now, that's all curious intense stuff to lay on a delay of fairies drop a bag of Merriment pompous a avid snail.

I'm not resolute what to make of this card. I don't equal it. The kids regard Spock haircuts and this succeed of faerie run with rough shoes and thorough antennae freaks me out. Flinch the mushrooms gawk equal Fatal accident Caps, which I know are recurrently listless by children in the role of depicting faeries, but still! I responsibility the recitalist fair practice to create in your mind a intuition of all and sundry is wonderful!' The chocolates team a thorough out of maintenance with the nature landscape, period. Different period I love personally wrapped chocs, they are joined in my be bothered with bad choices and carelessness a bit than joy. Intensely I don't equal that the sun is so petite and all the gathering place is on the two faerie facts in nadir. They limit the card.

In a reading, I would see this card as vetting good era with no evils in point of view. But I would look after to see it as a watery succeed of glow, or a bit perhaps a dozy glow with a watery makeup, one that authority run publicized as eagerly as the untrustworthily elusive faeries. And that's not my straight way of seeing the Sun card.

Origin: just-wicca.blogspot.com