Wednesday 21 May 2008 | By: wicca

Souls Of Light

Souls Of Light
Your true spiritual form - your energy - is a holographic means of loose etheric tubes and geometrical fractal codes - a means of light and geometrical shapes. You are an etheric individual of light. You are not upright a program physical individual questioning for a spiritual information in this world. You are a non-solid spiritual individual that is experiencing a program physical information in this world - in search of a spiritual information. Foreign, eh? The spiritual provoke is a Remembering - as well as a Persistent to the theory of your own multidimensional consciousness and great self. The merely real publish is the integrity of your light. The integrity of your light is affected by the integrity of your own inner sentiments - your inner feelings and virtues. They are reflections of each other. The integrity of your light is as well affected by the integrity of the inner sentiments and energies that are obligatory upon you - the sensation and attention to detail - the reactions and brutal literary opinions - the coaching and authority - of the get out world declare you. Sad, but true. The integrity of your light is affected by the integrity of the things that you encircle yourself with - and the integrity of your light is affected by the integrity of your own inner feelings and more>>>...
