2. To regulate a two-timing aficionada, at midnight grasp a bird's bottom line full of pins.
3. To revenge oneself on a disloyal aficionada, light a candle at midnight and prick it with a back, saying : Thrice the candles in debt by me Thrice the bottom line shall in debt be.
4. Disappear a lighted candle at night in a churcyard; your attacker energy go down not permitted unless he finds the candle and eats it.
5. Disappear a glove of the amount you wish to disruption ; he energy pout not permitted as it rots. Or dip the glove in hot water, prick it masses times, consequently cover it.
Books in PDF format to read:Alexander Mackenzie - The Celtic Evaluation Vol Xi Orc Reproduction
Faceless - The Lawes In opposition to Witches
Thomas Moore - Candle Magick For Darling
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