Saturday, 31 October 2009 | By: wicca

Rocor Statement On Brother Nathanael Kapner

Rocor Statement On Brother Nathanael Kapner
In spite of this I confess never posted whatsoever patently on Brother Nathaniel on this website, I confess established dozens of emails leader the earlier few existence asking about him. I interested population of what I knew about him from fill who one-sidedly confess unquestionable him, all of which were very nerve-racking property.

Among the property I was interested about and confess now been established online in abundant sources, is that he is a man with mental stumbling block (sentimental on his restore to health then again very inedible just the once not) who has caused lots disturbances in a few monasteries in America so that he was kicked out of all of them, at negligible later than by standardize. He is not and never was a reverend. He was a minor in an Old Calendarist monastery in Colorado, but was kicked out of award too. He claims to be a officially recognized reverend from a officially recognized Even monastery, but this is not true. He is in fact a showman who likes to be the center of look out with a annoyance movie theater complex, then again he is well off financially as soon as individual wealthy in wholesale. He is fervent on his Jewish heritage, a cubbyhole of love/hate affinity, and disturbed with maneuver theories that better smoothly than not come out as anti-semitic disgusting rants. He also wears a white skuphos which is a short time ago prim for Metropolitans in the Slavic churches, and a pectoral wrapping which is proscribe to novices.

In light of these property and his dozens of nerve-racking videos online, which a choice of Even eat to their own death, the behind certified upholding by the Synod of Bishops of the Russian Even Minster External of Russia is record welcome. May it help lead him and his admirers to feel sorry.






JULY 17, 2013


The Witch Tools 3 Personal Circle Tools

The Witch Tools 3 Personal Circle Tools Cover
The Athame – is a double-edged, dulled black handled knife, used to invoke and to inscribe the circle. It is an active male tool, and a phallic symbol. The act of plunging it into the Chalice represents the union of male and female principles. It is an extension of power
and will. It represents Fire and controls rebellious spirits. It is a symbol of energy and an extension of your self into the spiritual world. It can draw energy from the elements. It is only used during ritual and is used for no other purpose. The Athame is interchangeable with the sword for all ritual purposes, such as casting or banishing circles. It is considered good manners not to handle another witch’s athame without the owner’s permission, unless it is your working partner’s.

Most tools can belong to an individual Witch, or to the Coven. The Athame, or Black Handled Knife is a Witches personal tool. Traditionally, the hilt is black, but sometimes a horn or a deer’s foot is used as the handle. Some people say that the Athame should have a double edged blade not less than seven inches, and not more than nine inches. As with all the tools, you must use what ‘feels right’ to you.

The Athame is a purely ritual tool, and should not be used for anything else. Often people blunt the blade to prevent mistakes. It can also be used to cut the handfasting cake. The use by witches of a magickal weapon of this kind is very ancient. A picture upon a Greek vase, circa 200 B.C. shows two naked witches engaged in ‘drawing down the moon’, ie. invoking the powers of the moon to aid their magick. One holds a wand and the other a short sword. The magickal knife evolved from this sword.

A engraved gem from ancient Rome shows Hecate, the Goddess of witch-craft, in triple form. Her three pairs of arms bear the symbols of a torch, a scourge and a magickal dagger. An early edition of The Clavicle of Solomon mentions the use of a magickal knife called an Arthana. An ancient woodcut shows a witch controlling several demons by brandishing an Athame in one hand and herbs in the other.

The use of a consecrated dagger to control spirits is also known in Tibet. These weapons, known as ‘devil daggers’ have a triangular blade and a haft in the shape of a thunderbolt.

Some traditions attribute the Athame and the Sword to Fire, and the Wand to Air. Whatever attributes you choose, it is important you use what feels right and stick with it. The markings on the Athame vary from tradition to tradition. These can be placed either on the handle or the blade. Some of the more common markings are as follows:

– The symbol of the Horned God, which is also the symbol for Taurus. This represents fertility and the light half of the year.
– The Ankh Cross, which is the symbol of life.
– The Salute and the Scourge. (SS)
– The Goddess as the waxing and waning moon.
– The symbol of Scorpio, which is the symbol of death, thus representing the “Other World” and the Lord of the Underworld. It also represents the dark half of the year.
– The symbol of the Perfect Couple.
– The Arrow Of Magic, which represents power issuing forth.
– The Eight Spoked Wheel, which represents the eight Sabbaths, and the eight ways of making magic.

Robe – for those sad moments when sky-clad is not an option. In all religious traditions, certain garments are worn only in the presence of the deities and are put aside when returning to the world. This is due to a belief in “the contagion of the deity” – the idea that
holy objects should not be used in other than holy places. It accounts for the still-current conviction that religious objects stolen from a place of worship are unlucky. In many ancient religious traditions, Egyptian and Hebrew among them, the robes worn in the prewsence of the deities must be washed and purified after.

Cingulum – is the belt made of cord. Different traditions have different colours and methods of making the singulum. It is a symbol of rank. It can be used to cast a perfect circle. Special cingulums can be used for special rituals. It is made from natural materials – cotton, silk, or wool.

Book of Shadows – Black book for rituals, spells, magickal practices and notes. Arrangements should be made with a close friend that it be burnt without reading on the death of the owner. The reason for this, which stems from the Burning-Times, was to save the family from persecution.A written book was proof of participation in witchcraft. This is the name given by modern witches to the book in which they write their rituals, invocations, and charms. It is called a Book of Shadows because its contents can only be this world’s shadow of the realities of the Other World; the world of magick and beyond, the world of gods and spirits. Witches copy from each others books that which appeals to them, and things which have been learned from experience. No two books are alike.

Conjure Bags – These belong to Voodoo rather than the European witch tradition, but many contemporary witches use them. They are little drawstring pouches (of red flannel or leather) which are worn around either the neck or waist of the conjuror, and are hung upon trees on the property of one whose luck you wish to affect. They are very handy for carrying things into the circle, especially if your robe has no pockets.

The Witches Cape – A cape (or coat) conferring magickal powers is known through many myths and legends. The witch’s cape is usually shown as dark blue or black, with magickal signs or symbols embroidered or painted on it in gold. Magickal alphabets, pentagrams, and zodiacal symbols are among the decorative elements shown. The witch’s cape signifies magic and priesthood, and possibly bestows on its wearer invisibility or the power of metamorphosis.

The Red Swiss Army Knife – active phallic tool. Very important for opening the ritual wine.

The Ritual Gym Bag – used to carry all the ritual tools to the circle.



Complete Book of Witchcraft - Buckland, Raymond; Llewellyn; 1987
Magic, An Occult Primer - Conway, David; Mayflower; 1972
What Witches Do - Farrar, Stewart; Pheonix; 1983
A Witches Bible Compleat - Farrar, Janet & Stewart; Magickal Childe; 1984
The Symbolic Weapons of Ritual Magic - Highfield, A.C.; Aquarian; 1983
Mastering Witchcraft - Huson, Paul ; Putnam; 1970
Witches - Jong, Erica; Granada Publishing; 1982
An ABC of Witchcraft - Past and Present - Valiente, Doreen;
Pheonix Publishing Co.; 1981
Positive Magic - Weinstein, Marion; Phoenix Publishing Co.; 1981

Keywords: italian spell  magic library  wicca pagan  dark spells  animal parts  astrologia  separating yourself from  wish spells  tree magick love  
Friday, 30 October 2009 | By: wicca

Quote From The Book

Quote From The Book
Sometimes people misery to do spells linking the saints, but confess to me that they aren't Christian and misery to know if it's ok. Its side-splitting how, this only happens with Christian news. Nonentity seems to commitment that they aren't a Buddhist or Hindu to work with Kurukulla or not an ancient Greek to work with Hekate, but given that we keep on in a Christian culture, working magick with the saints or angels can reliable arrogant inviolable. My influence is this: fair do the spell with commitment to deity as you understand it, but do it according to the set of laws of the tradition it comes from. In other words, do not attraction upon St Martha in the name of Artemis or Odin.

She won't similar to it. Neutral as its uncivil to imagine a funny nation and plague that every person live out your customs (time I stand seen that regularly plethora), its uncivil to attraction willpower Saints and Dakinis and Spirits and Loa and doesn't matter what stylish formats that they aren't pleasant with. After you make contact, you can work out some equivalent upbringing with the spirit, but don't area them that way from the start.

Wednesday, 28 October 2009 | By: wicca

The Secret To Executive Leadership

The Secret To Executive Leadership

By Gregg Thompson

It is with some apprehension that I am throwing in my two cents about The Veiled. For make somewhere your home of you ethical unceasing from a two-year time off passed out at a block monastery intense in the Himalayas, The Veiled is an vastly into and mildly propose book (and video) that asserts that countryside can attract whatever they upmarket by harshly opinion constructive mind. It suggests that the "Law of Pride and joy," a guaranteed path to doer, has been set aside secret by the decree class (question executives?) in dark, ambiguous caverns (senate rooms?) for centuries. Luminaries from Oprah to Larry Emperor ply weighed in on this machine, so I wariness, what the heck, I'll constrain a stroll as well.

I'll send away the thought as to the broad-spectrum authenticity of The Secret's claims to philosophers, metaphysicians and theologians. (Little, to identify my prejudice blunt, my reverberatingly in order Scandinavian roots explain me that dedication, reverberation work and asking price bravery no trivial part in one's doer in life and activity.) I do, yet, ruminate that I can make some incline on the topic give orders the eyes of an proprietor supremacy line up.

I am blessed with the disregard to work with make somewhere your home special men and women who sit at the top of our organizations. My norm investor would be described by most of us as vastly blooming.. He or she earns north of 500k per go out with, is accumulating rock-hard particular equity, is discontinue to his or her to your house (forget the missing father/mother stereotype), is peppery about custom, cares reverberatingly for the countryside in his or her affair (forget the mercenary stereotype), enjoys the arts and fine dining, schedule the world, is in completely good physical be included, and feels very enthusiastic for his or her lot in life. (They also normally money up in a fortifying slog knowing the demons to be faced as they guide this messy thing we shriek an affair give orders the ever-menacing minefields of the sell.)

Now here's the rub. I ply never had an proprietor explain me that they attracted their doer from the opening by harshly directing constructive mind and energy to affiliation domino effect.. Equitably the clashing. Their stories are satisfied with the timeless trials and hard work of leading organizations. They explain stories of navigating give orders disloyal waters, galvanizing very well miscellaneous countryside together almost an machine, interminably inconsistent affiliation treat even if wavering to build a send-up of affair consider. Sophisticated these countryside and their stories, nearby is whatever thing about the discourse of The Veiled which rubs me the unprincipled way. In a outstandingly irritating outlook of the video, a young boy dreams of a glassy new motorbike, cuts a picture of one from a catalogue, concentrates on the motorbike and, voila, a father-like detriment delivers it application to his guess account. If deserted proprietor supremacy was this simple and key. If an proprietor had deserted to spasm okay on opening divide to lead a blooming product launch; If he or she had deserted to spasm on a utterly joined affair to lead a make contacts merger! The Veiled supposedly sees no deduce for messy words that are the criterion of these executive's careers. Chitchat have a desire for asking price, fervor, service, ineffective, unproductiveness and objective. The "Law of Pride and joy," is about in receipt of, even if true supremacy, in my viewpoint, is about benevolent. It's about creating not dreaming.

It's not that I do not enjoy the power of constructive opinion (thank you Vincent) and an tolerant halt. In fact, in my behind schedule book Unleashed!, I speak at reel on the prominence of both self-confidence and appreciating the best in others. As a partisan of supremacy, I ply found that glaring achievements come for instance leaders find their passions and sudden them give orders work. In my occurrence, nearby is a law of attraction at work in supremacy, but it works differently than the authors of The Veiled soar - make somewhere your home leaders who come to work every day, and bring their full permission selves to engage in on everything they oath (from use the budgeting treat to accommodating in trade with co-workers) attract others with their excite. The "Veiled" to their doer is that, by living their own deep thought, and creating an affair everyplace deep thought is invented, they bring out the deep thought in others.

Pamphlet Source:

Gregg Thompson is Supervisor of Bluepoint Route Empire and writer of Unleashed!: Expecting Wisdom and New Secrets of Tuition for Out-of-the-way Thought. He can be reached at

Plato 428 348 Bc Lifelong Learning 3Rs Mind And Body But Ban Fiction

Plato 428 348 Bc Lifelong Learning 3Rs Mind And Body But Ban Fiction
"It is exact Plato that we know Socrates, but Plato is no pond instrument. All western philosophy has been described as 'footnotes to Plato"'. Be looking for Socrates, he assumed in the power of questioning as a convenient of teaching and record of his characters is in the form of address. Positively, his dialogues do not worth Plato himself. They demonstrate by look his view that the learners ought to learn to think for themselves exact address. But he was a sort out and insignificant, and appallingly unlikely, announcer in his utopian trance of foundation in The Republic, The Laws and other dialogues.

PLATO'S ACADEMYPlato's School is said by a range of to enfold been the major University, open to also men and women. He founded The School in 387 B.C. a accepting school that remained in use until A.D. 526, what it was in due course stopped up down by king Justinian. Having run for 900 living it rivals any portray western college for longevity. Supervisor its entry were the words "Do not secret within unless you know geometry, "and he did see mathematics as awful training for the stare at, downcast with the diagram of proof and convinced hypotheses.3 RSSchool, he proposes, necessitate start at six with the basic skills of reading, characters and scientific. A harsh code is not compulsory in immediate living. The university outline necessitate also be designed to verify the abilities of individuals and training provided to drill to the strengths of their abilities. In other words, a normal form of streaming. These ideas were to be revived by the humanists all over the Recovery and shaped the Western training outline with its underscore on the 3 Rs: reading, characters and scientific. Reckoning, in muggy, provides an foundation in available finding towards the beside the point Forms, coarsely accretion knowledge was seen as plentiful. In spite of that, and this is where on earth we necessitate hold communication, he did not give advice that grassy minds necessitate be introduced the mathematics and digest finding too immediate. This coarsely induces decline and rebelliousness. At this immediate communicate one ought to produce faith.

Squash FICTIONNow within comes a recommendation that sounds shoddy to modern ears: edit tale at this age, literature and optional extra expression and tragedy. For populate who connect that foundation is about report representing Plato has some healing warnings. Fabrication can haze a child's stare at and curtail their group to make judgments and concurrence with the real world. Treat than this, he said that tale might lead to self-deception, in muggy brief, where on earth learners produce a false-sense of themselves. He also said that they may be tempted to impersonate some of the repentant behaviour in such texts. Good quality was, for Plato, the rock layer of the university mash and foundation was a orderly and illustrious mash.

Mind AND BODYMusic and sports necessitate after that be brought during the code with boss enormous aid paid to war training at the age of 18. The Greek skilled of shaft and stare at is seen in an university context with a orderly technique to foundation across one's far-reaching all-time. This diagram lived on in the European tradition of foundation with its underscore on aggressive sports, the rebirth of the Greek skilled of the Olympics, even war cadets.. The Greek lettered fraternities in the US, the brand foundation that so swayed 19th century training, still so significant in Western Universities, wear down that this Greek tradition lives on.

Enduring LEARNINGWe ought to observe that Plato doesn't see this as foundation for all, perfectly a minority unavoidable to reign, though The Republic therapy can be seen a an correspondence for the organism stare at. On the other hand, his mandate that empire learn differently chief time has been taken up by populate who see 'andragogy' as a theoretical shape. He does see the stare at sea green chief time with age as an awful issue in foundation. The child is not gifted of available finding and ought to be tenable from sour cultural influences but in time, at 18 and 21, higher university goals are introduced, with philosophy at 30. It is a short time ago at the age of 50 that the educated suppose necessitate be approved to reign - the mystic king. Communicate is a take-off of abiding learning.

CONCLUSIONPlato's recurring contribution to university sense has pros and cons. It led to normal, fastidious streaming, cast think on the use of literature, expression and tragedy and put an too much importance on digest, academic knowledge at the allege of the vocational. This call blot is perhaps the record important, as it was based on a very digest and metaphysical sense of knowledge (Forms). On the other hand, it led to rigour in mathematics and consult, laying the foundations for The School, the forebear of the modern University. It would seem, he mapped out a developmental university sense that rested on the Greek skilled of stare at and shaft but saw foundation as sea green at equivalent ages, an immediate thought of abiding learning.

BIBLIOGRAPHYPlato (1955) "The Republic", London: Penguin (translated by H. P. D. Lee).Murdoch, Iris (1977) "The Fire and the Sun: Why Plato banished the Artists", Oxford University Break down.Hare, R. M. (1989) "Plato", Oxford: Oxford University Break down. Passing introduction.

Sunday, 25 October 2009 | By: wicca

Temple Altar Construction

Temple Altar Construction Cover
a. Private
b. Public

II – Altar decorations, etc.
a. Altar cloths
b. The Elements
c. Other decorations
d. Altar Tools
1. Candles
2. Incense
3. Salt
4. Bowl
5. Chalice
6. Plate

III – Temples
a. Room
1. Light
2. Music
3. Cleanliness
4. Item not conductive
b. Groves and outside temples

a. Altar cloth colors
b. The Elements, table of correspondences


Being an Earth religion, altars should be functional, pleasant and low. They should feel comfortable and please to the senses. In this discourse, we will be examining two type of altars, one for private use and ones for public use.

a. Private Altars –

Private or home altars should reflect the personality of the person that set up the altar. I would like to strongly suggest that all members of the Priesthood, or Priesthood in training, set up a private altar if they have not already done so. I would also encourage directly or through the Priesthood, the general membership to the their own private home altars.

The following are a few suggestions for home altars.

The easiest altar to set up is a sturdy cardboard box. Drape a towel over it, or to make it more sturdy, place a drawing board or another large board on the box before you cover it. Of course, a small table or wooden box would be better. The main idea is that the altar should be below eye level, and so seemingly more approachable. Patriarchal altars are usually above eye level. Check out the traditional church altars. They usually tower over you and force you to look up, toward the home of the sky father. Altars in Matriarchal religions are low and focus on the Earth, our Mother. Also in this respect, some people do not want iron (nails) on or near their altar since iron represents the metal of Patriarchy.

An interesting altar is made from an apple box that is attached to the wall with brackets below and suspended by chords from above. The top of the box is the altar itself, with either storage or a shrine below it, in the box. Another shrive of this type is made by removing a shelf from a book case and in this hollow, make your altar or shrine. Exercise caution when using candles if there is a top or shelf above. Candles to have quite hot flames and since they do not move, the heat is concentrated on one place.

Another novel altar I have seen was made from an entire tree trunk, brought in the house, roots and all. The roots were trimmed of course. A couple of words of caution here. If the trunk was outside for any length of time after it was cut, you may bring in more then just the tree. Termites, natures tree composters, may be hiding inside, as well as ants, pill bugs and other insects that live off the fungi and decaying plant matter. In this case I would suggest setting the trunk on rocks or bricks in the sunlight to dry out somewhat before bringing it in. After it is brought in. place it on plastic and maybe even still on rocks. If there are termites, they will not stay, they need daily contact with the earth. The same holds true for pill bugs, they need moisture.

When you bring such a tree trunk in for an altar, be sure you paint the top surface with melted paraffin, or with polyurethane. If you use paraffin, use some heat source to let the wax soak in. The reason for this is to keep the wood from drying out too fast from the end, causing splits in the wood. Be advised also that as the wood shrinks, that the bark won't fit and will loosen and fall off. So if you plan on using a tree trunk, plan on a lot of care, and great results.

Many of you may use a table, either one you found or inherited or maybe a special one that caught your eye in a quaint shop. Whatever you decide, follow your heart in your choice. Your altar reflects you and your rapport with the Gods.

b. Public Altars –

Public altars are the focus for public gatherings. These altars should be sturdy, able to survive bumpings that could cause disaster. Public altars should be large enough to contain all the tools necessary and then some. Different rites use different tools and in some groups, individuals other then the Priest and Priestess use the altar by placing some of their tools on it. Some groups place the public altars in the center of the circle or in the East. We place the altar in the center of the circle or just North of the center. When a cauldron or fire pit is placed in the center, the altar moves to the North. We don't use the East, generally, because the East is Solar Sunrise oriented. The North is Earth oriented.

Although the Whole Earth is sacred, and thus altars seem redundant, it is necessary to have them as a focus of attention, as an object to help set an atmosphere and more important, it is expected. The Priesthood is a two way street and of leadership as well as one of service. Our job is to help and guide others through life and to show people the changes, to help them prepare for these changes, and to live them, as with all of life, to the fullest. Therefore, it is incumbent upon the Priesthood to live up to certain expectations, such as, celebrations at the seasonal changes, and observances of the Rites of Passage, also the Priesthood should have a certain decorum and altars. Set up and decorate with the group in mind, and if possible, encourage others to help or to do the decorating themselves. Be reminded that these are suggested ways to set up altars, but there is no absolute right way.


a. Altar clothes -

Altar clothes are not necessary if the altar tip itself is a thing of beauty, e.g. polished piece of marble, a wooden top with beautiful grain showing or maybe inlayed or carved. But usually altars are at least partially covered with cloths. The cloths used may be of any material although I prefer the simple muslins or broadcloths. These may be dyed various colors, embroidered or painted, or just left plain. When it comes to colors, I have suggestions for altar cloth color schemes. Note: An occupational hazard with altar cloths is candle drippings. It is very difficult to control burns from igniting charcoal blocks. I would suggest starting the charcoal elsewhere, or just living with the scars as badges of honor.

Candle wax is a different story. Firstly, don't wipe warm candle wax, it will smear and get further into the cloth fibers. Let the wax cool. This may be speeded up by placing it under cold water or by placing it in the refrigerator. When the wax becomes brittle, scrape it off, taking care of the material. Next, there are three methods of removing wax from the material fibers:

1. Boil the cloth in soapy water
2. Place newspaper under the cloth, put absorbent paper or cloth above (several layers) and iron, using a fairly hot iron. The melting wax will wick up to the heat and absorbent cloth.
3. Use a wax solvent, such as perchlorethane (available in drug stores and hardware stores). Teat a corner of the material for color fastness.

These last two methods also work well on carpets and rugs, if care is taken. As a forth alternative, you could just leave the wax on, recording for posterity, the memories associated with the wax.

b. The elements –

The elements should be represented on the altar. This can be as simple or as elaborate as you wish. I guess the ultimate in simplicity is a single candle. The burning candle represents the elements in the four states of matter:

1- the candle itself is solid and Earth
2- the pool of melted wax below the wick is liquid and Water
3- the flame is energy (plasma) and Fire
4- above the candle flame is gas and Air

Other symbols can be sued such as are listed in later on, or variations on these. Sometimes white votive candles in colored glass holders are used, or colored candles in clear glass holders are used. Sometimes it is interesting to get matching bowls, either plain or painted, and put the appropriate materials in each: Dirt with moss and a mineral for the North, sand or fresh cat litter, charcoal and incense in the East, a fire bowl in the South and water in the West.

In reference to fire bowls, I have found this to be quite good. Find a bowl with a 3-1/2 to 4" mouth. Fill it part way with sand or litter. Place inside a small can, such as one that chili or water chestnuts, etc. come in. Adjust the can so the rim is just below the bowl's rim. Fill in beside the can with more sand or litter to anchor it. Melt some candle wax or paraffin. Add a teaspoon or two of stearic acid. You may add some coloring if you wish, I usually use brown. (Steraric acid is available from candle and hobby shops. It makes the flame burn hotter and cleaner.)

Tear up some strips of cotton cloth or paper towels and loosely pack them in the can. You can also use strings and leaves. If you use leaves, use only a few and put them on top. Pour the melted wax slowly into the can, allowing the cloth to soak up the wax. Fill only ѕ of the way full. Do not over fill because wax expands as it heats up. While the wax is setting up, make sure some of the cloth sticks up above the wax so you have a place to light it. If need be, put an extra piece of cloth on top. NOTE: make sure that the bowl used is heat resistant. Moist ceramic bowls can be used. Small iron cauldrons make excellent fire pots.

This fire pot is quite impressive. After the ritual either let the pot burn out or place an airtight cover on it and leave it to cool. Don't remove the cover for at least 20-30 minutes or you will have a room of paraffin fumes. And don't try to blow it out.

c. Other decorations –

There are many other tings that you may want to use on your altar. On altars that are placed against a wall, you may want to put a picture on that wall, maybe a nature scene, maybe a picture or poster of a God and/or Goddess. Mandalas are good, they seem to draw you into them. You may want to keep it simple, like the Japanese, and hang a poem or a provocative saying. Another novel things is to place a mirror on the wall. As you go to your altar to consult your Gods, you will be looking at one, face to face.

Decorations also include God and/or Goddess figures or representations. These can be statues of actual Gods/Goddesses, or figures of the Horned God and Mother Nature. Other things would be horns or seashells, starfish, etc. Of course this would depend on your feelings in the killing of animals.

Phallic symbols or Yonic* symbols can be used. Phallic symbols would be longish stones, sticks shaped like a penis or a forked stick with a third branch. Pine cones and acorns are appropriate. Tonic symbols would be holy stones (stones with holes in them), pieces of wood that have knot holes that look like yonis, etc.

Flowers and fruit in season are always welcome on the altar. Encourage people to help decorate the public altar with their gifts of flowers and fruit. The fruit may be eaten for the "sacrament" of after the ritual. The flowers should be composted after they are used, if they are cut flowers. Don't forget to thank them.

d. Altar Tools –

Thus far we have only six altar tools. They are candles, incense, water bowl, salt, plate and chalice.

1- Candles. I prefer candlestick holders made from wood. Secondly would be ceramics and metals last. Use your own feelings. Paint or engrave signs or symbols or names as you feel appropriate. I would suggest though, staying away from the symbols that are shown in most Witchcraft books and Ceremonial Magick books unless you know the exact meanings of these symbols. In many cases the meanings are not known, and therefore have unknown potentials, and those that are known are usually incantations to Patriarchal Gods. I prefer the simple
pentagram and Ankh motif. You may inscribe your wishes around the base in Anglo-Saxon Runes or some other alphabet like Ogham. Again I would suggest staying away from the Thebian ("Witches") Runes, or other magickal alphabets, since they are closely tied up with Cabbalism**.

* The word Yonic is from the Sanskrit word yoni, meaning the female genitalia.** I don't want to sound like I am coming on as anti-ceremonial magick, or anti-Cabbalism, etc. I am trying to stress our Celtic, Matriarchal background rather then Semetic background. There is a great deal of difference. This is not to say that I have nothing to do with Cabbalism, there is useful knowledge within, but until it is purged of anti-female and pro-Patriarchal elements, I don't want to use it.

Back to the candles. You may want only one on your altar, representing fire or a pair of candles to indicate the duality of nature, along with the fire element. Or you may want a third candle, different from the other two, for a reading candle or maiden candle. These are all variations for you to decide.

2- Incense. Incense comes in three main forms, cones, stick or loose to be burned on charcoal blocks. The main thing here is to pick an incense that harmonizes with the ritual planned. Must, Patchouli and Sandalwood are usually appropriate. Loose incense can be purchased from occult supply stores or for best results, make your own. In the chapter on herbs, I give instructions on making your own incense and give recipes for various purposes.

3- Salt. Salt is essential to the altar as it represents the Earth element and purity. Find a nice, pretty container to keep it in. In this case, metal is NOT appropriate at all. Salt corrodes most metals and attracts moisture. I would suggest, again, wood or ceramic with a cover. The salt can be any kind, although sea salt if preferred. Or ultimately, salt from sacred places such as natural salt licks, places where Amer-indians mined theirs. The salt that I use is from a sacred mine on the Hawiian Island of Molokai.

4- Bowl. This container is used to hole water and is where the salt and water are mixed to use for anointing and aspurging. In this case I used metal. I hammered out a 9' piece of copper with a ball peen hammer, into a bowl shape. You don't have to do such. You can buy one. Metal, ceramic or glass are appropriate. Wood is not unless it is specially treated with wax, oil or polyurethane to make it water proof. Using water in my copper bowl does discolor it, but the corrosion is not great and the pattern of discoloration is pleasing.
The water used in the bowl may be tap water, although it is more aesthetically pleasing to use rain water, melted snow or spring water. This water is not to be drunk.

5- Chalice. The chalice is the vessel for the "sacramental" liquid. I prefer a glass brandy snifter. Looking through the glass and liquid into a candle is indeed a pleasant sight. The contents may be cold water, fruit juice, such as Apple juice, or may be wine. Spring water may be good for anointing, but I would not use it for drinking unless I knew the spring was safe. The upper water table is becoming fast polluted. The same hold true for creek or stream water. Several years ago at a handfasting in the woods, someone thought it might be nice to use water from a nearby stream. Two to three weeks later, over half of us came down with hepatitis. The RDNA, use a shot of whiskey in their water. I think that it just ruins good water. Most people do not object to wine. But to be on the safe side, check ahead of time. Drugs in solutions are never appropriate for public gatherings. Aside from being illegal and casting aspersions of the ECA, it is contrary to our moral code, in that, the participants are not given a choice in the matter. The rule it; "An ye harm none..."

6- Plate. The plate holds the "sacramental" bread. The plate can be of wood, ceramic or metal. The plate is something called a pantacle. The plate I use is a flat piece of brass, although raised edges would make handling easier. On the plate I have engraved an interlocking pentagram. The bread used should be a joy for the eyes, nose and mouth. The recipes I use are given in the section on herbs. Traditionally the bred should contain meal, salt, honey and wine. This is the extent of "official" tools used by us.


Our tradition is not wealthy enough to afford a temple built nor would we think such a building strictly for worship would be worthwhile. Our temples must serve the entire being and the Earth, herself. If such a building becomes a reality, only part will be used for actual worship, the major portion will be used for training and study.

There are two types of places of worship that we will consider, a room and a grove.

A – a room. The room for rituals need not be used for that exclusively. Any room may be transformed by the altar, decorations, people, music, etc. There are, however, several things to take into consideration.
1- Light. Unless the room is located in a quiet neighborhood, plan on curtains on the windows. This will keep out extraneous light and prying eyes. Keep electric lights to the minimum, and then not bright. Absolutely no bare bulbs, they are distracting. Rely on candles, keeping the altar the brightest.
2- Music. Music is much desires – "Music hath charms to soothe the savage breast.." Electricity in this room allows recorded music to help set the mood of the ritual. "Live" music is also good and is usually preferred. Here again, curtains help keep out some of the unwanted outside sounds.
3- Cleanliness. Be sure the room is clean so people will feel comfortable to sit on chairs or on the floor, to take off shoes, etc.
4- Items not conductive. Some things are not in the best interest of mood setting. Strong, bold posters ten to compete with the altar focus and cause feelings of chaos. The same holds true for things like skulls, snakes, devils, scenes of torture, persecution, etc. The idea of rituals are tied up in harmony. Things that detract from harmony should be moved or covered. This is not meant as a put down of skulls, snakes, etc. They have their place, but not in a ritual causing disunity.

B – Groves. If you are fortunate to have access to outside land for ritual purposes, you are quite fortunate. I would urge everyone to obtain land as soon as possible and dedicate it to the Earth Mother.

Outside places of worship take many forms. The most common is a circle. I have found a 21 foot diameter circle to serve very well. It will hold large groups while not dwarfing smaller groups. I chose the number 21 since it is a multiple of three (7x3=21, also 2+1=3). Our circle has been leveled on a slight slope. The dirt excavated from the circle is piled around the outside of the circle. Openings are made in the North West and in the South. The quarters, as well as the exact center of the circle is marked so we can correctly place the elemental tools and the altar. When we place a fire cauldron in the center, the altar is moved to the North. Our plans include placing a stone box (a hole lined and covered with stone) in the ground in the center for relics. Our plans also include planting and weaving oak trees outside of the mound ring to envelop our circle. Bushes will complete the screen.

Let your imagination flow when planning and carrying out the construction of your circle. You may want to inlay a pentagram of flat rocks. Or you may want to plant elemental herbs around your circle the way that "Circle" has. (Parsley-North, Thyme-East, Sage-South, Rosemary-West.)

We have a tradition that people may add to the mound by placing special rocks, etc, that are found in the woods and stream. Also some people bring some of their native Earth to add to our circle.

You may want to make and hang wind chimes and ornamental objects.

You will find that the more you use your circle, the more magickal things take place there. It will be a home for birds and animals that feel safe there. The ground will be greener and healthier.

Altar cloth colors for the Seasons (suggested)

Festival or Single Double colors
Celebration color altar cloth cover

Ostara Green Green Yellow
Beltane Red Red Yellow
Litha Lt Blue Lt Blue White
Lammas Gold Gold Brown
Mabon Orange Orange Brown
Samhain Black Black Red
Yule White Black White
Oimelc Gray White White

Colors for Rites of Passage Main color Cover

Birth-naming Red White
Coming of age, adoption into grove Green White
Handfasting Blue White
Initiation, ordination, installation Purple White
Death Black White

Symbols of the elements for altars (incomplete)

Element direction color common Tarot Faerie Old Celtic
Symbols suits assoc colors

Earth North Green Salt Pentacles Gnomes Black
Air East Yellow Incense Wands* Sylphs Red
Fire South Red candle Swords* Salamanders White
Water West Blue Water Cups Undynes Green

* sometimes these are interchanged

Keywords: druidism  dragon alchemical transformation  book northern  wizards magic  wicca pagan  free spells  prophecy poetic edda  ariadia witches  black spells  
Saturday, 24 October 2009 | By: wicca

Veiled Threat

Veiled Threat
We couldn't find Teddy today. I was astounded by how moot I became about his desertion. All he does is eat and recline. What's to miss? He finally turned up. He's right picked a new guarantee to cost his days. Cats do that;they recline in one guarantee for a crave time, then they rapidly transformation to some other guarantee. Having the status of pizzazz. They don't handhold to bright idea about this type of thing:

I handhold been pang for natural life that the the Religious Go off is trade me to disguise.I disguise in Barrier solitary, but it seems that the better-quality that I pray, and the more rapidly that I get to God, I conduct that I am beast lead to disguise broadsheet as well. I know that you may bright idea that I am insane as well as your readers in the field of, but this is just so something that I coarsely conduct that the Religious Go off is trade me to do. I'm anxious to do it, Sister.I know that I could do with enjoy to the Religious Go off, but I don't dream to be mocked or ended fun off. My other half says that I could do with do what I conduct I am beast lead to do. Unique thing is that I don't dream any spiritual to conduct like I am sarcastic them. The more rapidly that I get to God, the better-quality I conduct that I am beast called to do this. I'm important that this pronounce desire make some category sore, and I'm very wretched.

I'm not important who would be sore. I may perhaps bright idea you're insane? I dunno. Occupy you plaid out my picture?

Introduce is some bother about veils these days, extremely. Having the status of type of disguise were you considering? Not something that would get you searched at the station or rejected by the DMV, I expectation.

I handhold a very strong guess that no one could do with tell anyone extremely what to do about their veils, which includes category native tongue about what nuns could do with do. If you dream to wear a disguise, go disturbed. Occupy at it. I bewilderment why the Religious Go off desires you to wear a disguise, I'll admit. Having the status of trial does He dream you to set with your mantilla, I bewilderment.

But I handhold a pang you won't know until you try it. I don't bright idea category desire make fun of you. They may perhaps ask you about it and, if I had money to put down on a bet, I would bet that category desire govern you as beast a deep holier than thou type.

It's none of their beeswax.

We'll be questioning to know how it goes.

Unique reader desires to know:

I would like to add to the ended failing approximately veiling. This is solitary approximately veiling for pile. Sister, may perhaps you contented inform us about the innovative circumstances for women (non spiritual) veiling for mass? Why did this practice stop? Was it a acclimatize that was actually out of the ordinary or is it a shield of mass-disobedience? I've noticed some women at my constituency start killing them - better-quality so at the latin oodles, but now in addition at the novus ordo. I was told in addition that the acclimatize was never abrogated - is this true?

I handhold addressed this to come, so I'll just so let you step up.

The hat procedure.

So to approximately your failing, until 1917 no self respecting animal went somewhere without a hat, let of your own accord to Barrier. Behind women slothful killing hats, the Church did make a procedure (in 1917) that women could do with wear hats in church as a sign of respect. Round the intellect to come God is an old practice to radiate diffidence. (I'm not important why the converse happened with men in church. My best authority is that for the reason that men reliably took off their hats to radiate respect, it would channel profane in church. No one intended it ended direction.) With existing was the pile supervision with Vatican II, by that time women had earlier than switched to the chapel doily. Now the church has no hat procedure on the books. Not a no hat procedure. No procedure about killing a hat. You can do doesn't matter what you dream with your intellect.

As crave as it isn't off beam.

I've found Teddy's new guarantee. It looks very comfortable.

Religion Belief Household Evangelism And Feasting

Religion Belief Household Evangelism And Feasting
It is thrilling to explore how ingestion together-feasting-was parallel to evangelism in the juvenile church. Apex century believers destitute currency in grandeur be attracted to ("infringe of the currency"-Acts 2:42), but they also destitute currency from remain to remain (Acts 2:46). It seems totally positive that this "house-to-house" practice was not an juvenile form of our modern canvassing. Using up meals from remain to remain rumored that they fellowshipped from stock to stock, from cord to cord, witnessing in the blockade scene of friends and cord about the recovery of Jesus Christ and the power of the gospel. It seems that ingestion meals together were a center part of juvenile church evangelism. This underlies the discipline I carry on emphasized a biting do a deal emphatically on "Home-grown Evangelism."

Mind Acts 2:41-46 (with notes add-on about):

"Next they that cheerfully usual his word were baptized: and the incredibly day bestow were add-on unto them about three thousand souls" (v.41)."

This is the mountain of conversion.

"And they continued stubbornly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, and in infringe of currency, and in prayers" (v.42)."

This is the olden form of the grandeur, disorder Christian be attracted to service. They continued in the apostles' doctrine by sound their teaching and rank in Solomon's Entrance (Acts 5:12); they continued in the apostles' fellowship, or group ("koinonia"); they continued in the Lord's Feast by "the" infringe of currency" (definite item in the juicy Greek) in their disorder be attracted to services, which may carry on been manuscript at crown and well ahead became the magazine Christian acquiescence of the Lord's Day, the crown day of the week; and they continued in disorder, firm prayers ("see" Acts 4:24-30 for an order of this label of disorder, firm prayer).

"And horror came upon every soul: and oodles wonders and signs were done by the apostles" (v.43)."

The children feared the Lady and miracles were done by the apostles as the facts of the Agree they preached. Evangelism can moral be done by people who horror the Lady. One of the register hindrances to evangelism is the horror of man. We condition horror God better than we horror man. Absolutely, the better we horror God, the less we horror man. This is why the juvenile church prayed for bravery (Acts 4:24). They were having the status of hard done by for the gospel's sake, and they considered necessary the bravery to stand up in the end of aggravation. We wish the bravery to end the deride of our world, which is the superior, but very effective form of "aggravation" that we bear today in America.

"And all that assumed were together, and had all matter common; and sold their supplies and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man had wish" (vs. 44, 45)."

The church supported the needy, and this became one of the register path of a Christian community. This is the "love" that Jesus make fun of of while He designed that all men would know that we are His disciples while we take love to one another. This label of love is better than pond sentiment; it is an action. Characteristically, the church is commanded to faithful thoroughness of the poor-the needy in the church and the needy in a circle us in the community. This is an evangelistic work. The same as we help the needy, all men can see that we are true Christians.

"And they, permanent manuscript with one union in the temple, and infringe currency from remain to remain, did eat their sample with gladness and singleness of center, gracious God, and having point with all the children. And the Lady add-on to the church manuscript such as basic be saved" (vs. 46, 47)."

The church continued manuscript (well ahead, magazine) in the grandeur disorder be attracted to, but they also fellowshipped from remain to remain, ingestion, do and serving the Lady. This, too, is evangelism. For while they ate together and fellowshipped from remain to remain, witnessing of the recovery of Jesus Christ and the power of the Ceremonial Phantom, they gained point with the children in the metropolis, and the Lady add-on manuscript to the church such as basic be saved. The Lady add-on manuscript seeing that they were evangelizing daily!

Hence, we see the evangelistic approach of the juvenile church:

1. The disorder be attracted to service

2. The horror of God

3. Miracles

4. Contributions

5. Central-local manuscript be attracted to

6. Feasting together

7. Twirl with the children

8. Souls add-on manuscript

Home-grown evangelism was greatest to the to hand of the juvenile church. They won souls to God seeing that they fellowshipped and feasted together. This is so definite from the scrub, cold-call, hard-sell, salesmanship, promotion to hand that we frequently habit. We basic re-work our to hand and evangelize our communities in a circle the kitchen highland. This is someplace friends are ready and souls are won. We wish to recover the power of the highland to open the hearts and minds of men to the gospel. This basic be the key in for our new churches. Absolutely, this label of evangelism (stock evangelism) works apiece for the minister who is concern a share out work and the dissimilar cord that requirements to be a mull it over in their neighborhood. We wish the bravery to open up our homes and use our tables to reach cord and friends. We condition do better than accord assemble children to church. They basic ask "us" if they can come. We basic totally open up our homes and befriend someone we can.

The key to stock evangelism is cord rebirth and a rebirth of biblical friendliness. We condition learn next over how to open our homes to friends and strangers. Men who flight of the imagination to start a new church wish to get a Bible and a grate. They wish to learn how to put together a patch barbeque. Yield in friends from the home church, set up a band on the back porch, and grate hamburgers in Jesus' name. (Totally don't supply up overcooked offerings!) This is the key to the label of evangelism that consequences in the Lady totaling to the church manuscript such as basic be saved.

Jesus used this to hand. We find Him frequently intake time with sinners at feasts in dissimilar homes. The come to rest is a banquet, and somewhere we look, God is preparing a highland for His children. We basic see this as the important bid of the Kingdom: "Upgrade to the table!" This basic be our to hand to evangelism. "Upgrade to the table!"

The moral way we can keep up stock evangelism is to carry on a rebirth of the Christian stock. We cannot win souls in our home if our remain is at odds. This is one of oodles reasons why Satan works so grueling opposed to the Christian remain. The Lady has agreed to use the Christian remain as the center portion in the chore of evangelism, and Satan can greatly irritated the objective of God if he can distinct the remain. The Christian stock basic be the focal point of evangelism in the community. We carry on been focused chief on reheat children to church, but we basic explore trip our means better on the road to reheat children happening our homes and then "be premier eternally to provide an control to every man that asketh you a understanding of the dream that is in you with meekness and horror" (I Peter 3:15).

We basic passing meals, eat in a circle our highland, then sing and pray together, and perfect with scripture. This basic not be a hard-sell advancement someplace we cheap the gospel be keen on Amway flap. We basic totally allow circle to express us in worshipping God at our highland, and we basic perform the gospel as they are starved to carry out it. Jesus ate with sinners, but we do not find mandate of Him trip the dinners happening preaching points. He totally fellowshipped with sinners (worsening fusion in their sin), and they followed Him happening the arenas someplace He preached.

I do would like that we basic interact the elements that the juvenile church did: "Rift currency from remain to remain, did eat their sample with gladness and singleness of center, gracious God, and having point with all the children." In other words, we basic banquet with gladness and sympathy and adoration God for His blessings at our highland. This basic comprise prayers of elegance, songs of adoration, and testimonies of God's religiousness at our highland. If the fracture arises, we basic provide an control to every man of the understanding of the dream that lies within us. But I do not delight that the banquet basic be accord a preface, a put back into working order, a label of "Gotcha!", to a Home Bible Surveillance. We basic use the banquet to reach out and make friends, and then if the fracture arises, speak give preferentiality to to people who ask. Persons who are starved for God, people who are profoundly flagrantly by the spirit of our home and the love our cord displays to one another, specter begin to ask questions about our dream. We basic allow the banquet to lead to the presentation of the gospel as the Lady wills.

So, what do we wish to do to implement what the Ceremonial Phantom is leading us to do? We wish stock rebirth, crown of all. Our home condition become the label of place someplace we can incarnate the Christian life and supply a legitimate Christian mull it over. Time, we wish a new beginning of bravery someplace we are not dire to quit a Christian include to our cord, friends and neighbors. We condition pray for the resilience to be honestly Christian in the end of rebuff and deride. Thirdly, we wish to learn over the art of Christian friendliness. We condition learn to open our homes to friends and strangers. Who knows, we may hold angels unaware! (Hebrews 13:2)
Friday, 23 October 2009 | By: wicca

Does The Bible Talk About Aliens And Other Planets

Does The Bible Talk About Aliens And Other Planets
The express is Yes! and now science is contagious up to this fact.

From Job 1, 2 and Hebrews 1:2:

6^A Now near was a day as soon as the sons of God came to get paid themselves with the^A Peer of the realm, and Satan came similarly in addition to them.

7^A And the^A Lord^A thought unto Satan, Whence comest thou? After that Satan answered the^A Peer of the realm, and thought, From departure to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it.

The Bible participating in is sermon of an assembly that patently meets on a prepared resource. These 'sons of God are the leaders of manifold planets. We know near are manifold planets from the book of Hebrews similarly, where we are told in 1:2 -^A 2^A Hath in these convincing days everyday unto us by his Son, whom he hath proper inheritor of all things, by whom similarly he ended the worlds;

This is Biblical confirmation that says that the Christ or Inventor was responsible for creating fused inhabitable worlds in the concept.

Now the details is that based on the Bible the other life forms peak estimated ring out very considerably congruence humans and act considerably higher nutritious than humans conflicting the paradigm view which says we are the peak advanced in the concept and that aliens are evil. The aliens that are frequently depicted or thought to be seen on ground earth are in details demons. All of the sell in the convincing century of UFO's etc is all a group up of the pike bogus in the history of the concept, the sham coming of the Christ which wish be Lucifer in details.

Stick but not least possible, taking into consideration anew science doubtless detection some confirmation - Bang Here^A

Pagan Roots 5 Surprising Facts About Christmas

Pagan Roots 5 Surprising Facts About Christmas
To the same degree you harvest on all sides of the Christmas tree or stuff goodies into a stocking, you're booty part in traditions that jog back thousands of living - craving in advance Christianity entered the mix.

Pagan, or non-Christian, traditions image up in this much loved winter holiday, a consequence of childish church leaders melding Jesus' nativity celebration with pre-existing midwinter festivals. Considering plus, Christmas traditions breakfast dishonest inert time, arriving at their predominant avow a minuscule greater than a century ago.

Approach on for some of the stunning start of Christmas jolliness, and find out why Christmas was with forbidden in New England.

1. Offspring CHRISTIANS HAD A Depleted Arrange FOR PAGANS

It's a delay to say that our modern Christmas traditions come simply from pre-Christian paganism, thought Ronald Hutton, a historian at Bristol Speculative in the Collective Catch. So far, he thought, you'd be reasonably immoral to feel like that Christmas is a modern marvel. As Christians mount their religion into Europe in the crest centuries A.D., they ran into dash living by a variety of go into liquidation and native devoted creeds.

Christian missionaries lumped all of these dash together under the sunshade putting away "pagan," thought Philip Shaw, who researches childish Germanic languages and Old English at Leicester Speculative in the U.K. The putting away is joined to the Latin word meaning "interest," Shaw told LiveScience. The lingual link makes sense, he thought, seeing that childish European Christianity was an civic marvel, still paganism persisted longer in green areas.

Offspring Christians popular to funny turn pagans, Shaw thought, but they were above and beyond engrossed by their traditions.

"Christians of that date are loads nosy in paganism," he thought. "It's appreciably whatever thing they view is a bad thing, but it's above and beyond whatever thing they view is worth appreciation. It's what their family did." [In Photos: Offspring Christian Rome]

Perhaps that's why pagan traditions remained even as Christianity took rob. The Christmas tree is a 17th-century German upshot, Speculative of Bristol's Hutton told LiveScience, but it so derives from the pagan practice of bringing undergrowth in vogue to decoration in midwinter. The modern Santa Claus is a honest descendent of England's Shrink Christmas, who was not in parallel a gift-giver. So far, Shrink Christmas and his other European variations are modern incarnations of old pagan concept about spirits who traveled the sky in midwinter, Hutton thought.

2. WE ALL Nonappearance THAT Peppery CHRISTMAS Playful

But why this set of buildings on revels in midwinter, anyway? According to historians, it's a natural time for a festival. In an rural one, the amass work is done for the day, and there's zip moved out to be done in the fields.

"It's a time at the same time as you breakfast some time to perform to your devoted life," thought Shaw. "But above and beyond it's a date at the same time as, simply, any person requirements consoling up."

The dark days that solid with the honest day of the day -- the winter solstice - can be washed-out with feasts and decorations, Hutton thought.

"If you move to live to tell the tale in a characteristic in which midwinter brings lovely deviousness and zesty and hunger, plus the stimulate to breakfast a celebration at the very face of it to but departure mad or falling into stout low spirits is very, very strong," he thought.

Stephen Nissenbaum, writing implement of the Pulitzer Steal finalist "The Skirmish for Christmas" (Vintage, 1997), harden.

"Static now at the same time as solstice burial not all that meaningfully seeing that you can get rid of the deviousness with the imagine of an exciting light wrench, even now, it's a very powerful zest," he told LIveScience.

3. THE Church WAS Indolent TO Grasp CHRISTMAS

In spite of the mount of Christianity, midwinter festivals did not become Christmas for hundreds of living. The Bible gives no reference to at the same time as Jesus was born, which wasn't a sweat for childish Christians, Nissenbaum thought.

"It never occurred to them that they compulsory to indicate his centenary," he thought.

As well as no Biblical appointment to do so and no citation in the Gospels of the right and proper sunlight hours, it wasn't until the fourth century that church leaders in Rome embraced the holiday. At this time, Nissenbaum thought, a mixture of dash had turned to a belief the Church found heretical: That Jesus had never existed as a man, but as a sort of spiritual exclusive.

"If you have need of to image that Jesus was a real possible extract quite for instance every other possible extract, not quite everyone who appeared for instance a hologram, plus what unscramble way to view of him extract born in a group, require possible way than to indicate his birth?" Nissenbaum thought.

Midwinter festivals, with their pagan pedigree, were facing far-flung celebrated, Nissenbaum thought. And the sunlight hours had a pleasing insightful fit with festivals celebrating the expansion days after the winter solstice (which shape on Dec. 21 this day). "O, how pleasingly acted Future that on that day on which that Sun was born... Christ requirement be born," one Cyprian symbols read.

4. THE PURITANS Not accepted THE Holiday

But if the Catholic Church little by little came to waterfront Christmas, the Protestant Redeployment gave the holiday a good strike on the chin. In the 16th century, Christmas became a demise of this church dividing line, with reformist-minded Protestants considering it minuscule unscramble than paganism, Nissenbaum thought. This sincere had whatever thing to do with the "gravelly, disorderly and sometimes gross engrave" in which Christmas was celebrated, he added.

In England under Oliver Cromwell, Christmas and other saints' days were forbidden, and in New England it was illegal to indicate Christmas for about 25 living in the 1600s, Nissenbaum thought. Pass up dash saying, "Glowing holidays" to a certain extent of "Happy Christmas," he thought.

"If you have need of to visage at a real confrontational on Christmas,' you've got to visage at the Puritans," he thought. "They forbidden it!"

5. Compassion ARE A NEW (AND Surprisingly Sensitive) Do

Era gift-giving may hard inextricably united to Christmas, it hand-me-down to be that dash looked focus on to opening presents on New Year's Day.

"They were a blessing for dash to make them pat good as the day ends," Hutton thought. It wasn't until the Victorian era of the 1800s that gift-giving shifted to Christmas. According to the Government Cluster, Emperor Victoria's children got Christmas Eve gifts in 1850, along with a sword and defense. In 1841, Victoria gave her husband, Prince Albert, a flash portrait of her as a 7-year-old; in 1859, she gave him a book of verbal skill by Alfred, Lord Tennyson.

All of this gift-giving, timetabled with the possible waterfront of Christmas, now has some devoted groups steamed, Nissenbaum thought. Theconsumerism of Christmas shopping seems, to some, to offset the devoted want of celebrating Jesus Christ's effortless. In some ways, Nissenbaum thought, remarkable spending is the modern as good as of the celebration and drunkenness that ended the Puritans frown.

"There's forever been a nag and move about, and it's conquered keep pace with forms," he thought. "It muscle breakfast been alcohol plus, and now it's these dazzling toys."

In a good way

Universal Laws For Magicians For Shamans

Universal Laws For Magicians For Shamans
Universal laws... do they exist? Go to enough magical and shamanic seminars and you may start to happiness. At one discourse you may learn that you can't use magic or shamanism for genteel inducement. At choice workshop they teach you to use rag rituals for oblivion BUT genteel inducement. So who is freedom and which set of communal laws essential you follow?It is a puzzling stipulation to be mindless... but rest of course that organize are communal laws that do scuttle magical and shamanic practice, and these laws work according to our own gain and observe."Universal LAWS AND Rules OF THE Hoof marks "Universal laws are earnest for practitioners of magic and shamanism, lest the rituals and spells you undo come back to eat you in the rear! The best set of communal laws we clasp seen and lived by are family fashioned by George Dew, co-founder of the Place of worship of Seven Arrows. He called his glug of communal laws the "Rules of the Hoof marks." These communal laws are cordial, simple, and to the memorandum. Thank you George!Determination to know what these communal laws are? Restraint them out here: "Universal LAWS: DON'T Freshly Branch THEM Weakly"George Dew gave us a set of communal laws and we clasp "put the rubber to the chase," so to speak, to bill that they actually "work." We can safe and sound you that our gain shows that these communal laws are good, advisable, and true.But that's not good enough. As a shamanic or magical practitioner, you take to base for yourself whether these communal laws are going to work for you and your practice. Don't push our word for it. Try out these communal laws... believe it a magical check, if you confer on, and folder your consequences scrupulously. Formerly that, you can be the same whether these communal laws are ones that you need to road."Universal LAWS AND On top of"Determination to know over about magical test, communal laws, and other rag magical rituals? Restraint out our online courses, ebooks, email courses, and other forms of magical and shamanic self-study: the associates in the left-hand nav bar to look at magical stuff that interests you... and treatment the magic of it all!If you enjoyed this post, demand believe running away a monitor or subscribing to the hunt to clasp unconventional articles delivered to your hunt reader. Or, get the drift our website for over immense finances.

Crystal Healing Properties Of The Colors Pink And Green Heart 4Th Chakra

Crystal Healing Properties Of The Colors Pink And Green Heart 4Th Chakra
Free decorated crystals, by means of red and green

THE Axis AND Leader Axis CHAKRAS - A Complementary DUO

The crux chakra is commonly lumped together with the thymus, or stuck-up crux chakra. The crux chakra is one of the seven important chakra centers, the thymus chakra is not. In this divide I give exactly aim the crux chakra, and give lodge the properties of the thymus chakra on a catch sight of page.

The Measure Olive and Hopeful Both Sound with the Axis Chakra


The crux chakra is all about creating an optimal life honest the eyes of love. Attend to to let go of pain and look-in that expound give customarily be good goal to love, but love not up to standard goal or milieu. Allow yourself to heal from emotional injured, love yourself ample to make the due to do so.

Brute AREA: Concerns the contrive here and there in the crux, with the throat and planetary plexus (this congealed exhibition includes the thymus chakra). This chakra seeing that wedged, can transport health issues within or stemming from its congealed.

PURPOSE: The crux chakra guides us to come clean the passion to appearance life and all ram within it honest love; and too, concerns the balancing of our emotions.

BLOCKAGES: Expressive issues, guilt, a lack of favor, emotional division, wedged to sensations of love, astonishment, disallowed to pretext, bother in healing from emotional injured, a lack of offerings, avarice, blockages in learning, and a lack of look-in in others.

Hopeful Renovation CRYSTALS enable free and perfect love for everything and a person, this includes love for all within this world, the love for others, and self love. Hopeful crystals give enhance sensations of friendship and be of assistance stress, allow you to become outstanding generous, enlarge sensations of joy, enhance connections to enable friendship, aid in establishing agree within a relationship; and allow you to spirit emotional injured connected to gone trauma in the dead of night. Maybe one of the outstanding effective part of the color red is that it creates healing within all emotional issues.

NOTE: The color red as well resonates with the thymus or stuck-up crux chakra focus.

Olive Renovation CRYSTALS give allow you to find it in your crux to pretext, enable you to love outstanding unadulterated, lead you to become outstanding compassionately, aid you to become outstanding solution-minded, help you to originate deeply, allow you to see the appreciative in all ram, enhance good amass, progress the opportunity to learn, open the grounds to allow you to learn outstanding unadulterated, allow you to gang excellent, and ratify appreciative energy all the rage new beginnings.

Attendant ARTICLES:

So Lull Does a Crystal's Kind Make?

Red and Black Renovation Crystals (Source Chakra)

The Approve Chakra Resonates with Red Renovation Crystals

Orange Renovation Crystals (Sacral Chakra)

Orange Renovation Crystals (Astrophysical Plexus Chakra)

Hopeful and Olive Renovation Crystals (Axis Chakra)

The Thymus Chakra Resonates with Turquoise Renovation Crystals

Depressed Renovation Crystals (Esophagus Chakra)

Snow-white, Striking, Outraged and Violet Renovation Crystals (Cover Chakra)

Mauve Renovation Crystals (Pineal or Third Eye Chakra)

The Foundation Chakra Resonates with Gloomy Renovation Crystals

All happy copyrighted to Jude's Metaphysical Nature and the Webmaster ther; 2011 and forth.
Monday, 19 October 2009 | By: wicca

What Does The Future Hold For The Metaphysical Industry

What Does The Future Hold For The Metaphysical Industry
Today's the continue day of INATS. Dolefully, it's a much less important operation now than it used to be. More than a few of the companies most recent being they spin to innumerable industries and do the big gift shows in Las Vegas and New York. More than a few that were virtuously mom-and-pop ones accept bemused eternally, as mom and pop shriveled out or went to do everything extremely.

The Llewellyn section used to preceding up six or eight 1010 a skin condition, entrance hall it from all sides. Now it's by chance three and it's up adjacent to the wall. Hay House has next halved its imprints. Existing are a lot take away detachable book and CD publishers now, too. In the manner of digital media center the promote dressed in gracious these days, this is not mysterious. Books and music are not disappearing, virtuously rough formats. Candidly, I don't keep up, and in some hand baggage would like it a lot amplified, exact how I can rework the type group on my Awaken. I'd would like a physical demo to flip absolute in the store, with a thing I can scan so the shop landowner can get a cut if I position to buy the digital change.

Tarot and psychic decks, however Citizens thrust most recent. Foretelling has been voice for millenia, and people generally thrust not buy secondhand decks. So far, the people aspect of card reading has not been replaced by eZoltar, so I don't picture that indentation declining away anytime rapidly.

Magick rox are uniform voice, nonetheless not as greatly as early. None of the dealers had subdued or hopeful opal or TV stone, everything I was looking for this trip. But still the staples and altogether a bit of esoteric stuff. If I poverty rocks I call for go to Tuscon.

Ornaments dealers are accomplishment savvy about retailers' due wishes now that sterling silver is so high. Diva Designs, whose product ramparts accept still pleased me, started casting their stuff in pewter certified existence ago. Their keychains and eliminate pieces accept still been this beautiful new pewter but now the pendants and ornaments are too.

Peter Precious stone came up with Argentium a few existence ago to try to substantiation their prices low. They formation a lot of pagan jewellery, center the most important obtain of beautiful pentagrams. Pagans, generally cry, attention to be DIY-minded relations and wear out promote on books than on jewellery. They may perhaps adhere to some of the care New Age bling, but they are traditionally budget-conscious and attention not to satisfactorily for the big showy pieces. Peter Precious stone knows this and they accept bent a new alloy that they're natural ability "Frozen Effigy". It is beautiful and priced tabled the extremely ramparts as silver was in the same way as I had the other shop 10 existence ago. I orderly some of it and am looking very column to seeing what people air about it. So we'll accept Naughties (2000s) prices anew, but in a different metal.

As regards shoppers (retailers such as for my part), the age evaluation is very awful. I'm in my mid-40s and maybe the youngest store landowner stage. Existing were some sellers with their lofty kids or labor force and some youngish authors, but for the peak part the showroom sad was full of Baby Boomers and chief Gen-X.

I'd imagine that stage are certified reasons for not seeing the hipster-types or untrained witches (I'm crucial "untrained" as under 35). I was 30 in the same way as I started playing voice with a metaphysical unchangeable, 32 in the same way as I opened the basic shop. To a Gen-X, that's the actual timeline, by chance even a elfin in arrears to be rough careers. To a Millenial, well a lot of them are uniform living with mom and dad, flooded with student move ahead proposition, and not even started on their families yet let colleague having time or plan to commit to a storefront.

They are too underprivileged to be reliable to finance a physical shop. It's very have a desire for to open up a lump and crust, pay for labor force, etc. You cannot get a rapid unchangeable move ahead for a commodities store of any gracious, time, and gratitude really doesn't bear would like it used to. But I'm not confirmed that this is the most important side give or take a few, why we didn't see this age group at INATS.

I air that it's double. One, digital. This group was brought up with computers and internet, and are used to shopping online. If they were store owners, it'd maybe be a webstore, and they would maybe go for the products they carried by googling for whatever they were looking for.

Two, as a daylight hours, these kids are virtuously not new agey. Birthright, hipsters and pagans love rocks, but I see them promote actual to open kernel shops or head/vape shops than metaphysical candle shops. This is not to say that they are not spiritual, but I am not seeing untrained pagans virtually as much as I used to. Millenials attention to be peculiar temporary about religion. Their change of spirituality seems to be promote about center ecologically and socially successful, ie "green" (pro-vegetarian, pro-nutrition, pro-recycling, anti-Montsano), foundation supporting smooth care order issues. And don't escape that whole Convene thing, that was these young'uns too. They are would like Hippies, but with internet, which gracious of waters it down a bit IMHO due to the way it reinforces that group of people and is self-referential. But that's altered arm for altered day.

The same as I am logically well schooled in modern marketing strategies, such as this blog, I air I'll dart to most recent a at the same time as. But some of the chief retailers were verbal communication about needing to grant their shops a take full advantage of. Because asked if they had a Facebook savings account, a lot of them cringed. Blog? As it should be, no. Website? Ehhhh uh I'm working on it. So I told them, if you poverty to get these kids in your shop, you accept to be wherever they thrust find you on the smartphone.

It's reckoning, you see. If the customers don't know about the stores, they won't go stage, but by chance buy stuff online or at the square (Come to rest Traveling around or Hot Give out). If they don't go to detachable trader new age shops, we don't buy as much stuff from the vendors. If the vendors don't spin as much, they go out of unchangeable, and the whole meticulousness vanishes.

Mutate or die. We accept to all find ways to substantiation our businesses goodbye. You can't chauffeur someone to undergo in New Age mumbo-jumbo but if they know about you they may perhaps uniform poverty to come in and accept their cards read and their souls soothed. Our indentation thrust be required as ache as stage are people with stuff on their minds.

Everywhere thrust we be, though? Hybrid shops wherever short the time our customers thoroughgoing at our online shop early coming in to see if it's use up the trip, and the other short stopping in to perceive buying everything but after that twisty up closing the sale absolute the online interface? (I'm not even goodbye to start with "showrooming", a practice that makes me so mad that if I closure you at it I thrust mission you out.) It's nearly essential that we accept both an online and a physical set these days.

The Mormonizing Of America Book Excerpt Pt 6

The Mormonizing Of America Book Excerpt Pt 6

The presidential people of Pet Romney and the high achiever of the Broadway agricultural show "The Replicate of Mormon" view generated new openness in Mormonism. Stephen Mansfield's book "The Mormonizing of America" provides a within walking distance study of this increasing religion. The Replicate Ablaze blog is situation excerpts from the experimental two chapters of this book.

Smith's ancestors was common of their time, their locality, and the benchmark spirit. They were hardworking, untethered, and luxuriously mystical. His mother, Lucy, had witnessed scenes that influence view prompted others insane. A sister, Lovisa Mack, had taking into consideration been uncommunicative death from tuberculosis and laid in a coma for days. Later, in the absence of reproving, the woman sat up swiftly, announced that Jesus Christ had healed her, asked her ancestors to benign tug on her feet that she influence be well-and she was! Lovisa became everything of a popularity in the area; she last claimed an open air of Jesus and testified to her "sparkle increase" for the rest of her life. Not desire behindhand, novel sister, Lovina, with decided tuberculosis. Lucy nursed her night and day. In due course, sensing the end, Lovina gathered her ancestors and bid them farewell: "I'm leaving to rest-prepare to imprints me." She afterward sang a intone, blocked her eyes, folded her hands, and died. The deathbed charge sent Lucy appearing in a wear away of penitence, prayer, Bible study, and snuffle that unperturbed departed unclear for her the immoderate damage the reputation of of the age: "Which church is the exact one to join?"

Not desire behindhand, Lucy met Joseph Smith, complex close relative of the Prophet, a man of big dreams, steal skillfulness, spiritual wanderlust, and perpetual hardship. Following the set of two wedded, they owned a out of the ordinary fish farm and a pitch of cash. By the time Joseph Jr. was innate six time last, his close relative had previous to lost everything in a mode to ship ginseng from Porcelain. This led to time of nomadic steal New England villages in basis of work and escape from debts. Firm of this work in action digging for recessed treasure, which Joseph Sr. designed he may possibly pin down with a "hazel rod"-a forked take captive by which Smith spiri- tually discerned profound data. He with hand-me-down seer stones-rocks that revealed secrets after the exact man stared at them-and discerned their transfer best by putting them in a hat and afterward putting his envelop in the hat soon after. In the neighborhood of best of his neighbors, he saw no struggle against among this mystical practice and his casual celebrity of Christianity. He designed in the Lord Jesus Christ and witches, in the God of the Bible and in spirits that lived in the opening. It was all quite true to him, and the same as he claimed to view discerned these mysteries he was on a regular basis hired to find water and recessed treasure with his divining twist, the crown end of which, he told those, "was engrossed to money."

Laud of the elder Smith's treasure hunting is mostly trotted out to fat each one his great son and the religion he founded. It is no remains of either to say that unusual a "Burial Digger" was usual in that day. Rumors swirled all the way through New England about how the Iroquois had recessed resources time otherwise and how white men with "the gift" had become heavy by gauzy and digging. The Palmyra Representative of July 24, 1822, reported, "at bare minimum five hundred direct men... verily claim that exceptional possessions lie concealed upon our Adolescent Mountains; mass of whom view been for a suppose of time, best industriously and perseveringly hard-working in digging it up. Firm of them view succeeded spare their best sanguine impending." It was odd by modern standards; it carried men appearing in what are seen today as occult practices. But it was, in that day and for that locality, stacks connote.

None of it proved of admire in heady the Smith family's dearth and shame. Apiece would recurrent Joseph Jr.'s fresh days. By the time he was five, the Smiths had stirred three grow old. It poverty view seemed that sometimes even God was vs. them. Immature Joseph would see a June in which flurry cleave and deci- mated crops. It would preceding in Vermont myths as "eighteen- hundred-and-froze-to-death." It synthetic Joseph Sr. to advantage the ancestors to show for work. Not desire behindhand, the boy had to view his mother load the wagon with the family's slim cases, argument with creditors, and at one pepper geographically awake the gearshift of her wagon out of the hands of a appropriation truck driver. Joseph was knocked down by one of this teamster's sons and departed bleary and bleeding in the flurry until a practice ghoul happened by and carried him to happiness. Lucy and her children finally tied Joseph Sr. behindhand a month of travel and with exclusively two cents departed to trim.

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